Our paragraph topic is: (The Sadducees question Christ) Part 2.
The Sadducees were a part of the ruling party. They had their own teachings according to the Law of Moses. They believed that there was no resurrection after death. You see it had been a long time since the Jews were released from slavery in Egypt. They had wandered in the desert for forty years. So they knew of the writings of old, how God protected their forefathers from death and fed them in the desert. They knew about the prophets and all the miracles wrought in their name. But they still did not believe that their was life after death.
Christ comes on the scene and he draws large crowds. The people are talking about him everywhere. The word is spreading and the rulers do not like that they are loosing popularity to this newcomer. So now they have the opportunity to question him to determine his knowledge and education in the Law. They come, saying, "Master, Moses said, 'If a man die without having a son, his brother shall marry the widow and raise up issue to his brother.' "
And so they came with a rule from Moses that had come down through the ages to the people of the present time. They wanted to set a foundation upon which to build their premise that Christ would accept. They did not want to have contradiction so that they could then add the extra conditions. Moses was their father and he was given authority from God to rule the people. So their premise and his rule was acceptable by God was their belief and their foundation.
They had the premise right and the foundation right. For they were speaking directly with the Word of God. For Christ spoke and did what his father showed him and told him to do. He was the mouth piece of the living God. His words came directly from the mind of God. And the Spirit was his guide.
The words we see and read today have come to us down through history, down through time as written and directed by the Holy Spirit of God himself. Some believe those words and take them to heart. Some do not believe and claim the words as false, being the writings of man to control the people. Some doubt and half believe what is written. Then there are those who hate the words and use them for dark purposes to call upon evil to rise and take control of mankind.
The words are written. Take them as you choose. They are a tool to open the door to the heart. And within the heart lies the key to belief. Without belief we cannot transform. Without belief we cannot see. Without belief we are blind, living in the darkness of time and the emptiness of space. But with belief the door is open to the light of life that is given us freely through the sacrifice and the passion of Christ. It is only through this belief in him that we are able to transform ourselves and to see the truth of who we are, new beings, new life, new light.
No more emptiness. No more darkness. No more loneliness. Now we can know who we are and who he is in our lives. And the truth will be given to us through the guidance of the Holy Spirit for we are not orphans left alone. We are his children, his precious ones, his loved.
Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage nd then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ . The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.
The Sadducees were a part of the ruling party. They had their own teachings according to the Law of Moses. They believed that there was no resurrection after death. You see it had been a long time since the Jews were released from slavery in Egypt. They had wandered in the desert for forty years. So they knew of the writings of old, how God protected their forefathers from death and fed them in the desert. They knew about the prophets and all the miracles wrought in their name. But they still did not believe that their was life after death.
Christ comes on the scene and he draws large crowds. The people are talking about him everywhere. The word is spreading and the rulers do not like that they are loosing popularity to this newcomer. So now they have the opportunity to question him to determine his knowledge and education in the Law. They come, saying, "Master, Moses said, 'If a man die without having a son, his brother shall marry the widow and raise up issue to his brother.' "
And so they came with a rule from Moses that had come down through the ages to the people of the present time. They wanted to set a foundation upon which to build their premise that Christ would accept. They did not want to have contradiction so that they could then add the extra conditions. Moses was their father and he was given authority from God to rule the people. So their premise and his rule was acceptable by God was their belief and their foundation.
They had the premise right and the foundation right. For they were speaking directly with the Word of God. For Christ spoke and did what his father showed him and told him to do. He was the mouth piece of the living God. His words came directly from the mind of God. And the Spirit was his guide.
The words we see and read today have come to us down through history, down through time as written and directed by the Holy Spirit of God himself. Some believe those words and take them to heart. Some do not believe and claim the words as false, being the writings of man to control the people. Some doubt and half believe what is written. Then there are those who hate the words and use them for dark purposes to call upon evil to rise and take control of mankind.
The words are written. Take them as you choose. They are a tool to open the door to the heart. And within the heart lies the key to belief. Without belief we cannot transform. Without belief we cannot see. Without belief we are blind, living in the darkness of time and the emptiness of space. But with belief the door is open to the light of life that is given us freely through the sacrifice and the passion of Christ. It is only through this belief in him that we are able to transform ourselves and to see the truth of who we are, new beings, new life, new light.
No more emptiness. No more darkness. No more loneliness. Now we can know who we are and who he is in our lives. And the truth will be given to us through the guidance of the Holy Spirit for we are not orphans left alone. We are his children, his precious ones, his loved.
Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage nd then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ . The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.
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