Highlighted New Testament Bible

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Saturday, January 30, 2016

St. Matthew, Chapter 20, verse:28a, To Serve.

Our paragraph topic is: (Humility according to Christ's example) Part 7. 

Whoever wishes to be first shall be your slave is what Christ told his disciples.  Whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant.  And they did not understand his meaning.  He spoke in parables.  He spoke in riddles.  He spoke in words that had one meaning on the surface and a different meaning on a deeper level. 

They wanted to be great.  They wanted to be known.  They wanted all the things that they saw exhibited by the leaders of their time and that was their example.  So they assumed that he would follow the example of the day and lead them to be great leaders of the new order.  But his example had one meaning on the surface and another meaning on a deeper level. 

On the surface they were repulsed at the thought of being great with being a servant.  They definitely did not want to become a slave in order to be first.  But on a deeper level Christ was telling his disciples not to be like the leaders of their time.  He was telling them to be humble, to be obedient.  He wanted them to understand that greatness comes from the Father and that it is rewarded through humility.  He told them that even he who is lord of all, came to be a servant:  "Even as the Son of Man has not come to be served but to serve." 

Follow his example.  Listen to his words.  Walk in his footsteps and know the will of the Father.  For we are but his servants, here to spread the good news of our redemption to all who have not heard, to all who do not know, to all who are blinded by the world.  Love is the key to what we do.  For we are all his children.  We are all brothers and sisters.  We all come from the same tree of life that he created.  And we are all created in his likeness and his image.

We are not black or white, Asian or Latin, Native Indian or immigrant.  We all belong to one family.  We are all the same.  Beneath the skin of the flesh, beneath the muscle and bones of the body, we are all living spirits created in his image and likeness.  And we all have one Lord, Jesus Christ, who came to serve and not to be served.  For he loved the life that was in us.  He came to restore that life because it was lost.  And through the knowledge of the spirit within us we can come to know and come to see that which he gave to us.

Follow the example.  Humbly seek that which has been given you.  We all have a purpose.  We all have a place.  And we all are loved by the Father who knows our hearts desires.  He will provide.  He will protect.  He will listen to your needs.  But you must open the heart to believe in him.  You must act on him.  You must know, with everything that is within you, that he will take care of you.  Practice the patience of heaven.  And in that patience is the proof of who you are in him.  Open the mind!  Open the heart!  Seek the truth that is within you and you will know the truth of who you are in ChristGod, your father loves you.

Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ.   The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

St. Matthew, Chapter 20, verse:27, The First Disciple.

Our paragraph topic is: (Humility according to Christ's example) Part 6.

He had told them many things along their journey over the past three years.  He showed them miracles.  He taught them of the kingdom of heaven.  He spoke to them about his father and the love that he has for them and for all mankind.  He did many things while he walked among and with them on this journey that they were making. 

For surely it was their journey.  It was their walk.  It was their training,  For Christ knew of his path.  He knew of his journey.  He knew the time and place and sacrifice and pain and suffering that he would face.  But the disciples were in training for their own walk, their own path, their own journey which would take place after Christ returned home to his father.  So he had to prepare them.  He had to plant the seeds that would grow into full blown leaders and teachers, and ministers of the church that he would leave behind.  And the disciples had to understand what would make them great, what would make them first among all.  So he told them:  "And whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave."

And there it was in plain words for all to understand.  Desire to be first and you desire to be a slave.  Desire to be great and you desire to be a servant.  These were his words to his disciples who were passionate to be great, to be the best.  Yet his words posed a problem for them.  His words did not make since to them because no one wanted to be a slave.  No one wanted to be a servant.  In their time, slaves were the lowest and servants had no power, no prestige or privilege.  And they wanted to be known.

Yet Christ gave them his example.  He gave them the parameters by which they could measure their greatness, their position among each other.  Be a slave.  Be a servant to all.  A slave implied ownership.  A slave implied a lack of freedom.  A slave implied obedience, and those were the qualities that they did not posses nor did they desire to possess. 

Looking back from our vantage point of today, can we imitate the example that Christ left?  Can we become slaves?  Can we be completely obedient?  The temptation is great to do otherwise.  The culture that we live in today compels us to be anything but obedient to the example that Christ gave to us.  We are compelled to be first.  We are compelled to be great.  We are compelled to do whatever it takes to get ahead, to reap the rewards, to come out on top.  We are compelled to show the world that we have made it. 

How we dress, speak, eat, walk, and talk, all express who we are and who we want to become.  Our minds are constantly filled with the ideas and thoughts that drive us to want to be great, to be first, to be on top.  And for those who do not or can not fulfill their passion then the fall from the lofty heights of their passion leaves scars in their lives.  We become broken people who failed to reach the top.  Yet despite all that is given us, all that we see and hear to demonstrate that we are failures, we are great in his eye.  We are loved in his eyes.  We are protected and provided for under his arms.  If we just turn to him and accept that we are his children, we become great. 

 God is our Father.  He is the Creator.  He is the one who provides and protects.  We are winners in his eyes.  We are his children and he has given each and every one of us all that our hearts desire.  Come!  Open your minds and open your hearts and see that which you are since the beginning of time.  You will know the truth that is within you.  You will know the truth that no one or nothing in this world can take from you.  The life of Christ dwells within you and his love awaits your awakening.  You have a new life, a wonderful and glorious life ahead.  Come!  Start yours today.

Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ.   The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.

Friday, January 15, 2016

St. Matthew, Chapter 20, verse:26b, The Great Disciple.

Our paragraph topic is: (Humility according to Christ's example) Part 5.  

When we look back upon the teachings of Christ to his disciples, one must wonder how they felt, how they thought, how they understood his teachings.  They followed Christ because they knew, within themselves, that he was the Messiah.  His miracles proved that.  He did things that no other prophet or other great leader could do.  They were amazed at what they saw, what they heard him say, and what they believed that he would do.  Their hearts and minds were opened to his teachings, his love, his passion, and his will. 

They all wanted what they saw.  They wanted to be powerful.  They wanted his fearlessness. They wanted to be like him because they thought that this would give them leverage over the leaders of their day.  They thought that being like him would make them famous with the people.  They thought that imitating him would give them prestige and privilege like other leaders of the day.  Little did they know or think that what they thought they wanted was completely different from what would be offered.  Christ told them:  "On the contrary, whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant." 

How was that to be?  How were they who sought to be great to become a servant?  A servant was a position that they sought to turn away from.  A servant was a person that they saw with disdain.  A servant in their day and time was a nobody.  Yet here was Christ, their leader, their teacher, their Messiah, telling them that they must become servants.  Certainly this did not go over well with them.  Certainly this did not sound good to them.  Certainly this saying was not immediately understood.

He had just spoken with them about the honor of sitting at his right hand and at his left in the kingdom of heaven, a position that they all sought.  He had questioned them about the price that they will pay to be his followers.  He had just placed the doubt in their minds and their hearts as to the courage of their convictions being his followers when the time of tribulation came.  Were they ready?  Were they prepared?  Were they strong enough to face that which was in their future?  And now he tells them that they must become servants if they want to become great.

Christ had a way of teaching that cut to the quick, got to the heart of the matter.  He taught in ways that required insight and thought, ways that revealed meaning and understanding with deeper thought.  In our day and time we can look back.  We can read about what happened.  We can study the text and meaning in many different ways and from many different authors.  But beyond all of the literature lies the inner meaning that comes to each of us individually guided by the Holy Spirit

In our society today, we strive to be top dog, the lady that stands out in a crowd, the one that gets noticed.  We do not seek to be servants.  We do not seek to be the lowly.  This is contrary to what we are given from birth in our society.  Yet here is the greatest teacher that walked the earth giving us an example of how to be great, how to serve and not how to be served.  He is giving us the example of how to give of oneself and not to take, the example to humble oneself and not to be proud.  This is the example that he brought to us, the example that he gives to us, the example that he left for us to follow.  For he, the king of the universe, humbled himself and came to save us.  Can we not seek to follow his example?

Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ.   The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.

Friday, January 8, 2016

St. Matthew, Chapter 20, verse:26a, The Disciples exercise no authority over the Gentiles.

Our paragraph topic is:  (Humility according to Christ's example) Part 4.

Christ told them:  "Not so is it among you. "  He wanted them to understand that they were different than the rulers and lords of the day.  The rulers of the day exercised control over the Gentiles.  They set themselves above the local people and exercised privilege over the people.  They were special.  They were not of the ordinary.  They were the rulers and their great men demonstrated their power over the people.

Christ did not want his disciples to think of themselves as such, but the disciples wanted to have power and prestige.  They thought of themselves as though they were to be the new rulers and the new lords according to the authority of Christ.  But Christ had to show them that they were different.  He had to close the door to enmity, and hatred, and anger, and jealousy, and all the emotions that were a part of the rulers of the day.  For his disciples must take their example from him.  They must follow his guidance, his path, his sacrifice.

So he gave them the understanding that they were different than the everyday ruler of the time.  They were his followers.  They were his witnesses that carried his message.  They were his teachers and his preachers and his examples of the love that comes from the Father.  They were not to become rulers and lords of the day.  Not so, is it among you that you lord your authority over the Gentiles. 

They were meek and mild.  They were loving and forgiving.  They were understanding and helpful to all the people because they saw something in the people.  Christ showed them the love that he had for the lowly.  He demonstrated the forgiveness that he possessed for the sinner.  He opened his heart to those who were suffering, the lame, the blind, the sick, the deaf, the widowed.  For he saw that which was in them that was in him.  He saw the beauty of the life that was given to mankind that was created by God our Father.  And he knew that the love that the Father had for him was the same love that he had for all men.

So he came to serve not to become a king.  He came to give and not to take.  He came to light the path and not to leave us in darkness.  He came to pay the price for disobedience and not to trespass against the Father.  He came that what was lost could now be found if we only search for it.  The choice to find it is ours to make.  The choice to believe in it is ours if we want.  The choice to know is ours if we seek to know.  The choice to see the truth is ours if we are not blinded.  What, do you choose? 

  Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ.   The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.

Friday, January 1, 2016

St. Matthew, Chapter 20, verse:25b, Authority over the Gentiles.

Our paragraph topic is:  (Humility according to Christ's example) Part 3.

The disciples have expressed their anger and their frustration at James and John.  They want to sit with Christ also.  They want to be at his right and at his left also.  They want to be first also and that is the problem.  James and John did not express these wants, these desires.  Their mother came forth and spoke to Christ about what she wanted for them.  She came forth and spoke what was in their hearts.

What she did not realize was that her words opened the door to the hearts of the disciples.  Her words exposed them to anger.  He words exposed them to injustice.  Her words exposed them to jealousy.  And Christ had to speak to their hearts to help them understand what they were doing.  He had to speak to the jealousy, and their anger and their heartfelt injustice.  So he gave them an example.  He told them of the lords of the Gentiles.  He told them of their practices.  He told them how they would become like the Gentiles, how the rulers of the Gentiles lorded their power over them.  "And their great men exercise authority over them." 

They wanted to be great.  They wanted to be known throughout the land.  They wanted to be like the lords and rulers of their time.  This was the example that they knew.  This was what they saw in their time.  The rulers would parade through the streets with their guards and their attendants.  They would receive privileges everywhere they went.  The people would give them special recognition and this was what they thought that they would become being disciples of Christ.

Yet Christ wanted to give them a different image.  He wanted to give them a different understanding of who they were and who they would become through him.  For he was a lord.  He was a king.  He was the ruler of all the world.  Yet he did not come to be a king.  He did not come to be a lord, a ruler.  He gave up all his royal trappings to become like an ordinary man.  He gave up his crown and his glory and his majesty to become the pauper among us.  And this was the example that he wanted his disciples to understand.

For without the power and without the glory, one does not assume a position of greatness.  Without the majesty and the privilege one does not become haughty,  and aloof and assume an attitude of being special.  And without the attitude of feeling special the heart is closed to jealousy, and anger, and injustice.  For Christ came to right the injustices of the world, he came to act as a sacrifice for the injustices.  He came that the punishment may be lifted.  He came that what was lost may now be restored.  He came that his love for man would be established for all eternity.

We are here today to be witnesses to the love and the mercy and the forgiveness of our God and Father.  We are here today to testify to his love.  We are here today to become living examples of the life that is within each of us that others may see and know that they are our brothers and sisters in Christ.  For he came and gave that we would have life.  He came and walked among us that we would know the truth.  He came and gave us an example, a history, and a path to follow that would lead us to him.  He came to demonstrate his passion for us that would last throughout all eternity.  It is that passion that carries us.  It is that passion that guides us.  It is that passion that leads us to him each day.  And it is that passion that is available for all to know, to see, to feel, to become a part of their lives today.  His love is there for the asking.  His love is there for those who seek it.  His love is there for all to receive it even if they do not know him.  All you have to do is open the door to your heart and let him in.   

Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ.   The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.