Our paragraph topic is: (Parable of the weeds explained) Part 1.
Things have been spoken. Understanding has been lacking. Knowledge is missing. And the people do not know. Christ has talked about the kingdom of heaven and given several examples of what the kingdom is like. He talked about the good seed. He talked about the mustard seed and how it grows and he talked about the leaven and how it spreads to all parts. Do the people understand? Do the disciples understand? Is knowledge given to them that they may know the mysteries of the kingdom? Christ has finished his preaching and retires to the house.
The disciples follow and inquire of him the meaning of the parable of the weeds. And his disciples came to him, saying, "Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field." So answering them he said, "He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world; the good seed, the sons of the kingdom; the weeds, the sons of the wicked one; and the enemy who sowed them is the devil."
The disciples wanted to know his words. They wanted to understand clearly. They wanted the knowledge of Christ. There minds sought him. Their hearts desired his fruit. So they came and inquired of his wisdom. And he fed them with rich fruit that they may be satisfied. He fed them with riches that they may know within their hearts the truth of the kingdom and they were blessed. Christ loved his disciples. He was patient with them. He was loving of them. He was understanding of their needs. And he gave bountifully of his heart that theirs would be full.
We live in a world that we know not. We are consumed by its constant flow, by its constant drive, by its constant movement. Nothing remains the same. Everything is changing and we are caught up in the change. And that is our dilemma, we must keep up or be swept away. We must constantly know the latest news. We must constantly see the latest shows. We must constantly have the latest gadgets. We must constantly be in a state of change at all times that we may be in the world. To stop being in the world means to be left behind. To stop being in the world means not knowing the latest. To stop being in the world means to fall out of the crowd. And Christ said, beware the wide path that leads to destruction. Do not follow the crowd! Follow the narrow path that leads to life. Open your heart, open your mind and let Christ feed you, as he did the disciples. His love is fulfilling. His knowledge is all knowing. His understanding is permanent. And his truth is from the Father of all truth. Fall out of the world and fall into Christ and he will keep you forever.