We finish our paragraph topic: (A leper) Part 3.
Jesus cleansed the leper and told him not to speak of it to anyone. Large crowds followed Christ. Did he not want his miracles to be known? He had touched a leper which was forbidden in those days. Fear of catching the disease made people avoid getting near a leper, for it was thought that touching a leper was how the disease was transmitted. And Christ touched the leper and made him clean. He told the leper to tell no one, and to go show thyself to the priest. He then was to offer a gift for a witness.
In those days the priest had to absolve a leper of his uncleanness. The priest had to be a witness to a leper being clean. The priest had to examine a diseased person before they could resume a place in society without the attached stigma of the disease. So it was important that the leper did not advertise his miracle. It was important that he received absolution by a priest before going into the public. It was important that he followed the instructions of Christ and offer a gift as a witness to his cure.
How often today do we offer a gift as a witness to our salvation? How often today do we give thanks for the cure that has been performed in our lives? How often today do we recognize that Christ has worked in our lives and not just circumstances? What gift can we offer for our cure from addiction? What gift can we offer for our release from pornography? What gift do we have that is worthy of our cure from cancer? What sacrifice is great enough that we can place on the altar to show our gratitude for his love for us?
We leave with his cure and our hearts are filled with joy. We know within ourselves that we have been cured. We feel the newness in our bodies and a wellspring of happiness overtakes us. Tell somebody. Tell all. Shout it to the world. Tell it on the mountain tops. Tell it in the streets. The Savior has cured me. He has made me clean. But Christ says keep it to yourself. Tell no one. But go to the priest and show yourself that the priest may know. Tell the priest that he may bear witness to your miracle. Tell it to the priest that he may declare to the world you have been healed.
Offer the gift that is prescribed. Offer the gift that you have received. Offer life. Offer hope. Offer love. Offer joy. Offer salvation to those who are in need of salvation, as it was offered to you. For our God is an awesome God. He is our rock and our redeemer. He is our healer and our comforter. He is our peace. Go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift prescribed.