We begin this chapter with paragraph topic: (A leper) Part 1.
Christ has finished his sermon and now he moves among the people. Large crowds follow him because of his popularity. He has not yet brought about any miracles at this point, according to St Matthew, but now he begins to demonstrate his power. And behold, a leper appears before him and he bows down and worships him.
A leper in those days was a dreaded figure, filled with sores, smelling of flesh rot, clothed in bandages. He was an outcast from society. He lived apart from the rest of humanity and could not come in contact with others. A leper had to announce his presence before others so that they he could be avoided. There was no cure for a leper in those days and leprosy was considered a social stigma. So anyone with the disease was ostracized from society for fear of catching the disease. To touch a leper was considered to be a way of catching the disease. Anyone with the disease was shunned and labeled because the disease was considered to be a symbol of ones sin.
Yet the leper appears before Christ and says: "Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean." This statement, on the part of the leper, demonstrates his faith. He states that he knows that Christ can make him clean. He knows that Christ has the power to change his life. He believes that he deserves to be clean. He believes that Christ is the Lord. He regrets in his heart the sins that he has committed. He believes in his heart that Christ will say yes to him and make him clean. And therefore he has taken this bold step to come amongst the crowds to plead with Christ to make him clean.
How perfect an example this is for us today. Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst heal me. For those who are sick, for those who have ailments, for those who have diseases, for those who have cancer, for those who have AIDS, for those who are addicted to drugs, for those who are addicted to pornography, for all of us who have sinned, Christ has the power to heal. Christ has the will to make us clean. Christ has the love to see us whole. Christ is the Lord.
If, we only believe. If, we only take that first step. If, we only have faith. If, we open our hearts to him, he will come in. The leper said, "Thou canst make me clean." What a tremendous statement of faith. Are we in need of a cleansing?