Our paragraph topic is: (Woe to the Scribes and Pharisees) Part 8.
Jesus was bold. He was outspoken. Only the prophets and those who were crazy spoke to the Pharisees this way. No one would dare speak out loud to them in public for all to hear. Yet Jesus did. He spared no words and did not hold his tongue. He wanted all to hear what he had to say of the Scribes and the Pharisees. He wanted all to know of their wrongs.
They did not believe. They did not see. They did not understand that the kingdom of heaven was at their doorstep. The Scribes and the Pharisees only heard the words of a man calling them out to the public, something no one dared do to their honor. But Christ did. He said to them: "Woe to you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!"
In this paragraph he calls them hypocrites three times. He tells the disciples what they did and how they did it so that all will know their sins. He gives them three times to repent of their ways. Yet they do not. They can not hear. They can not see. They can not understand what is happening before them. They are deaf in their hearing. They are blind in their seeing and their understand has been taken away.
Where are we today? Are we in the same boat? Can we hear the calling? Can we see the miracles before us? Can we understand the things that are happening around us that give us the opportunities to repent of our ways? We have a choice. God is merciful. He is loving and forgiving. He is patient in his mercy and wants all to have the chance to receive his love. The choice is ours if we can only hear, if we can only see, is we can only understand the gift that is given to us.
I am so thankful that I heard. I am so thankful that I was able to see. I am so thankful that I was able to understand the gift that I have received, that I am here today to write to you about it. Seek it and you shall find it. Knock on the door and it shall be opened to you. Know that you have a heavenly Father who loves you and who will come to you and embrace you with his love. I am a witness.
Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage nd then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ . The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.
Jesus was bold. He was outspoken. Only the prophets and those who were crazy spoke to the Pharisees this way. No one would dare speak out loud to them in public for all to hear. Yet Jesus did. He spared no words and did not hold his tongue. He wanted all to hear what he had to say of the Scribes and the Pharisees. He wanted all to know of their wrongs.
They did not believe. They did not see. They did not understand that the kingdom of heaven was at their doorstep. The Scribes and the Pharisees only heard the words of a man calling them out to the public, something no one dared do to their honor. But Christ did. He said to them: "Woe to you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!"
In this paragraph he calls them hypocrites three times. He tells the disciples what they did and how they did it so that all will know their sins. He gives them three times to repent of their ways. Yet they do not. They can not hear. They can not see. They can not understand what is happening before them. They are deaf in their hearing. They are blind in their seeing and their understand has been taken away.
Where are we today? Are we in the same boat? Can we hear the calling? Can we see the miracles before us? Can we understand the things that are happening around us that give us the opportunities to repent of our ways? We have a choice. God is merciful. He is loving and forgiving. He is patient in his mercy and wants all to have the chance to receive his love. The choice is ours if we can only hear, if we can only see, is we can only understand the gift that is given to us.
I am so thankful that I heard. I am so thankful that I was able to see. I am so thankful that I was able to understand the gift that I have received, that I am here today to write to you about it. Seek it and you shall find it. Knock on the door and it shall be opened to you. Know that you have a heavenly Father who loves you and who will come to you and embrace you with his love. I am a witness.
Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage nd then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ . The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.