Our paragraph topic is:
(The rich young man speaks to Jesus) Part 16.
And now we come to the culmination of this paragraph topic, the rich man speaks to Jesus. He came because he wanted to know. He had conquered all the experiences of his time, having the freedom to do as he pleased. Yet within all that he had accomplished he still desired something more. He had a hunger within. He had a hole that needed to be filled. He had yet to find anything in this world that could fill it. He had riches. He had opportunity. He had freedom to do all that his wealth allowed. Yet he did not have the fulfillment that enlightenment brought.
He sought Christ because he heard the word. He sought Christ because the word opened the door to his heart and stirred something within him. He sought Christ because that which was within pointed him in the direction of Christ to get the answers. And when he found Christ he was given answers. Keep the commandments he was told. That he did, but that was not enough to fill the hunger. If he wanted to be perfect he was given other tasks to complete. Sell what he had. Give to the poor and have treasure in heaven. And then, to reach that perfection, come and follow Christ to fill the hunger within. When he heard the words he was filled with sorrow and sadness. "He went away sad, for he had great possessions."
He had great possessions. Much had he acquired in his lifetime even though he was a young man, he had great possessions. Typical of what we aspire to have today is great possessions. We want much riches, cars, beauty, good health, love, passion, power, beautiful homes, travel, fine clothes, fine wines, fine men or women in our lives. All these are the things that we aspire to have today. Is it wrong to want these things? Is it wrong that we see and feel the desires of our hearts? Is it wrong for us to want what is given to us to have? After all we see these things presented to us everyday. We are given to want these things because others have them and they tell us that we should want them also.
Great possessions are the things that are plugged into our brains daily. Yet it is those same possessions that possess us. It is the desire, the passion, the need, that drives us that consumes us, that possess us in our every waking thought and deed that lead us to the destination that we seek. Some succeed in that goal. Most do not. What must we do to obtain that goal? Or is that goal something that we truly want or desire? Thousands of potential actors, singers, comedians, and performers grow up seeking to be the stars of today. Yet only a handful succeed in reaching that goal. And what are the consequences that are paid to obtain that goal? What price do they pay to be number one?
The rich young man had an opportunity. He had an opportunity like nothing else that he had experienced in his life. He had the opportunity to become a follower of Christ, to become a disciple. Yet he had possessions. He had great possessions. And those possessions had a hold of him. He could not find a way to let them go. He was blinded by the glitz and glamour of death. For all that is physical leads to death. And all that is spiritual leads to life. What is the dollar but ink on paper? What is gold but a shimmering rock? All that we are given to value in this world does not give life but death. And there is nothing in this physical world that will give life except that which is life.
Christ came that we would have life and have it more abundantly. We are the life that he has given us if we only are able to see it, to feel it, to know it, to be it. We are given death in the disguise of life, but life is within us and not from outside. Life is the light that is within us. It is the essence of that which Christ gave to us. It is the light of life that results from the spirit within. I am the spirit and not the physical. I am the light within and not the body. I am the life of the spirit and not the darkness of death. For I know the truth of who I am in Christ and so can you. I know the consolation of the Spirit and so can you. I know the protection and the provision of the Father and so will you. Come! Know the truth of who you are in the spirit and see the life that is within you.
Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ. The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.
And now we come to the culmination of this paragraph topic, the rich man speaks to Jesus. He came because he wanted to know. He had conquered all the experiences of his time, having the freedom to do as he pleased. Yet within all that he had accomplished he still desired something more. He had a hunger within. He had a hole that needed to be filled. He had yet to find anything in this world that could fill it. He had riches. He had opportunity. He had freedom to do all that his wealth allowed. Yet he did not have the fulfillment that enlightenment brought.
He sought Christ because he heard the word. He sought Christ because the word opened the door to his heart and stirred something within him. He sought Christ because that which was within pointed him in the direction of Christ to get the answers. And when he found Christ he was given answers. Keep the commandments he was told. That he did, but that was not enough to fill the hunger. If he wanted to be perfect he was given other tasks to complete. Sell what he had. Give to the poor and have treasure in heaven. And then, to reach that perfection, come and follow Christ to fill the hunger within. When he heard the words he was filled with sorrow and sadness. "He went away sad, for he had great possessions."
He had great possessions. Much had he acquired in his lifetime even though he was a young man, he had great possessions. Typical of what we aspire to have today is great possessions. We want much riches, cars, beauty, good health, love, passion, power, beautiful homes, travel, fine clothes, fine wines, fine men or women in our lives. All these are the things that we aspire to have today. Is it wrong to want these things? Is it wrong that we see and feel the desires of our hearts? Is it wrong for us to want what is given to us to have? After all we see these things presented to us everyday. We are given to want these things because others have them and they tell us that we should want them also.
Great possessions are the things that are plugged into our brains daily. Yet it is those same possessions that possess us. It is the desire, the passion, the need, that drives us that consumes us, that possess us in our every waking thought and deed that lead us to the destination that we seek. Some succeed in that goal. Most do not. What must we do to obtain that goal? Or is that goal something that we truly want or desire? Thousands of potential actors, singers, comedians, and performers grow up seeking to be the stars of today. Yet only a handful succeed in reaching that goal. And what are the consequences that are paid to obtain that goal? What price do they pay to be number one?
The rich young man had an opportunity. He had an opportunity like nothing else that he had experienced in his life. He had the opportunity to become a follower of Christ, to become a disciple. Yet he had possessions. He had great possessions. And those possessions had a hold of him. He could not find a way to let them go. He was blinded by the glitz and glamour of death. For all that is physical leads to death. And all that is spiritual leads to life. What is the dollar but ink on paper? What is gold but a shimmering rock? All that we are given to value in this world does not give life but death. And there is nothing in this physical world that will give life except that which is life.
Christ came that we would have life and have it more abundantly. We are the life that he has given us if we only are able to see it, to feel it, to know it, to be it. We are given death in the disguise of life, but life is within us and not from outside. Life is the light that is within us. It is the essence of that which Christ gave to us. It is the light of life that results from the spirit within. I am the spirit and not the physical. I am the light within and not the body. I am the life of the spirit and not the darkness of death. For I know the truth of who I am in Christ and so can you. I know the consolation of the Spirit and so can you. I know the protection and the provision of the Father and so will you. Come! Know the truth of who you are in the spirit and see the life that is within you.
Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ. The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.