Our paragraph topic is: (The sign of Jonas) Part 3.
Christ is merciful. Christ is loving. Christ is patient. The Pharisees continue to plot and plan against Christ and he continues to offer opportunities for them to hear the message, to understand the judgment, to repent from their position with Satan. But the Pharisees are blind. They cannot hear. They do not understand the door of opportunity opened by Christ.
Christ has spoken to them about their hearts. He has shown them that their hearts are filled with evil. He has told them of their treasure and has called them vipers that they may understand the harshness of his words. Ye they persist. They continue down the road of destruction, unaware that they condemn themselves. Christ tells them who will witness against them. He says: "The men of Nineve will rise up in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonas, and behold, a greater than Jonas is here."
They asked for a sign. Christ told them a sign that would take place in the future. He did not comply with their request now. For the demons that possessed the Pharisees did not need a sign. They knew Christ. They knew of his authority. They knew that he was of the Father. Yet they could not work their evil of their own. They had to possess men and persuade them to do their evil. They had to suggest to the mind of men, the evil that was to be done. They had to possess the heart with darkness to move the passions to create evil.
And Christ knew of their plans. He knew of their designs. He knew that they possessed the Pharisees to do their evil. Yet he was patient. He was loving. He was merciful to offer opportunity to repent. He reached down into the darkness of their hearts and sought to help them understand. But they would not. He spoke again of their witnesses. He told them, "The queen of the South will rise up in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, a greater than Solomon is here."
How often does God call to us to repent? How many times does he reach out his hand to help us in times of need? Yet do we repent, do we accept his hand? Our God is a loving God. Our God is a merciful God. Our God is a patient God. He will wait until the end of time and still offer salvation. But do not hesitate to accept, for death is at the door and judgment weighs in the balance. Judgment at death is final. There is no reprieve. Mothers will witness against their sons and daughters. Fathers will witness against their children. Grandmothers spoke of the opportunity offered and yet not accepted. For they themselves spoke the message to you and you did not accept. Do not throw away this precious gift given by Christ. For if you only knew what was being offered you would rejoice at the gift. But Satan blinds. Satan destroys. Satan steals and will stand in the way to prevent you from receiving your gift. Come, become a child of God and receive the gift of life! Christ awaits you with his outstretched hand. Receive him and get your reward!
Christ is merciful. Christ is loving. Christ is patient. The Pharisees continue to plot and plan against Christ and he continues to offer opportunities for them to hear the message, to understand the judgment, to repent from their position with Satan. But the Pharisees are blind. They cannot hear. They do not understand the door of opportunity opened by Christ.
Christ has spoken to them about their hearts. He has shown them that their hearts are filled with evil. He has told them of their treasure and has called them vipers that they may understand the harshness of his words. Ye they persist. They continue down the road of destruction, unaware that they condemn themselves. Christ tells them who will witness against them. He says: "The men of Nineve will rise up in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonas, and behold, a greater than Jonas is here."
They asked for a sign. Christ told them a sign that would take place in the future. He did not comply with their request now. For the demons that possessed the Pharisees did not need a sign. They knew Christ. They knew of his authority. They knew that he was of the Father. Yet they could not work their evil of their own. They had to possess men and persuade them to do their evil. They had to suggest to the mind of men, the evil that was to be done. They had to possess the heart with darkness to move the passions to create evil.
And Christ knew of their plans. He knew of their designs. He knew that they possessed the Pharisees to do their evil. Yet he was patient. He was loving. He was merciful to offer opportunity to repent. He reached down into the darkness of their hearts and sought to help them understand. But they would not. He spoke again of their witnesses. He told them, "The queen of the South will rise up in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, a greater than Solomon is here."
How often does God call to us to repent? How many times does he reach out his hand to help us in times of need? Yet do we repent, do we accept his hand? Our God is a loving God. Our God is a merciful God. Our God is a patient God. He will wait until the end of time and still offer salvation. But do not hesitate to accept, for death is at the door and judgment weighs in the balance. Judgment at death is final. There is no reprieve. Mothers will witness against their sons and daughters. Fathers will witness against their children. Grandmothers spoke of the opportunity offered and yet not accepted. For they themselves spoke the message to you and you did not accept. Do not throw away this precious gift given by Christ. For if you only knew what was being offered you would rejoice at the gift. But Satan blinds. Satan destroys. Satan steals and will stand in the way to prevent you from receiving your gift. Come, become a child of God and receive the gift of life! Christ awaits you with his outstretched hand. Receive him and get your reward!