Our paragraph topic is:
(Continence preferred to marriage) Part 5.
Not all can accept this teaching except those to whom it has been given. Has it been given to you? Are you one of the ones to whom this teaching is meant for? Christ gave his disciples this teaching concerning the bonding of male and female as created by God. He wanted them to know and to understand the history of this teaching. So he told them that from the beginning God had a plan for them to come together and for them to stay together. And yet that has not been the case.
For man was so bitter that Moses gave them a rule by which they were able to put away their wives and marry again. They were captives. They were slaves under another master. They had lived under the house of Egypt for over four hundred years. So the customs and the habits of the Egyptians had become theirs by proxy, even though they were Jews with laws handed down by God. Yet they wanted to do as they saw the Egyptians do. They wanted to divorce their wives as the Egyptians did. Who can follow this teaching? Only those to whom it has been given and to those who wish to follow the teachings of Christ. For he told them: "And there are eunuchs who have made themselves so for the sake of the kingdom of heaven."
Are you a eunuch? Have you made yourself one for the kingdom of heaven? Can you follow this teaching? It is only meant for those who have been chosen. Have you been chosen? It is only through belief and knowledge that one is able to understand. We were created male and female. We were created separate, not one without the other. Our goal is to bond. Our purpose is to create. Our mission was set from eternity that we would create the physical beings that would come after us.
But evil has other designs. Evil would have us not create. Evil would have us lust. Evil would have us desire. Evil would have us live in the pleasure of the physical flesh and discard the plans of God. We were created separate, male and female. But to bond we must come together and become one. Our bonding is physical in nature but spiritual in purpose. Each male and female must decide. Each male and female must understand the purpose. Each male and female must know the truth of who they are in Christ and resist the temptations of the world.
Christ came that we would know. He came that we would understand. He came that we would have life. For we were dead until he came. We were without spirit. We were devoid of spiritual life according to God's judgment. But that judgment was set aside. That judgment was delayed in its execution until the coming of Christ. And when he came, he paid for our sins, he died on the cross, and we were given new life. The life of Christ shines within us, if we seek to know. The life of Christ shines in our souls. The life of Christ that is within us brings us back to the Father. Do you know who you are? Can you see the life that is within you? Can you accept this teaching, man? Can you accept this teaching, woman? Become one with each other, one with Christ and one with the Father.
Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ. The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.
Not all can accept this teaching except those to whom it has been given. Has it been given to you? Are you one of the ones to whom this teaching is meant for? Christ gave his disciples this teaching concerning the bonding of male and female as created by God. He wanted them to know and to understand the history of this teaching. So he told them that from the beginning God had a plan for them to come together and for them to stay together. And yet that has not been the case.
For man was so bitter that Moses gave them a rule by which they were able to put away their wives and marry again. They were captives. They were slaves under another master. They had lived under the house of Egypt for over four hundred years. So the customs and the habits of the Egyptians had become theirs by proxy, even though they were Jews with laws handed down by God. Yet they wanted to do as they saw the Egyptians do. They wanted to divorce their wives as the Egyptians did. Who can follow this teaching? Only those to whom it has been given and to those who wish to follow the teachings of Christ. For he told them: "And there are eunuchs who have made themselves so for the sake of the kingdom of heaven."
Are you a eunuch? Have you made yourself one for the kingdom of heaven? Can you follow this teaching? It is only meant for those who have been chosen. Have you been chosen? It is only through belief and knowledge that one is able to understand. We were created male and female. We were created separate, not one without the other. Our goal is to bond. Our purpose is to create. Our mission was set from eternity that we would create the physical beings that would come after us.
But evil has other designs. Evil would have us not create. Evil would have us lust. Evil would have us desire. Evil would have us live in the pleasure of the physical flesh and discard the plans of God. We were created separate, male and female. But to bond we must come together and become one. Our bonding is physical in nature but spiritual in purpose. Each male and female must decide. Each male and female must understand the purpose. Each male and female must know the truth of who they are in Christ and resist the temptations of the world.
Christ came that we would know. He came that we would understand. He came that we would have life. For we were dead until he came. We were without spirit. We were devoid of spiritual life according to God's judgment. But that judgment was set aside. That judgment was delayed in its execution until the coming of Christ. And when he came, he paid for our sins, he died on the cross, and we were given new life. The life of Christ shines within us, if we seek to know. The life of Christ shines in our souls. The life of Christ that is within us brings us back to the Father. Do you know who you are? Can you see the life that is within you? Can you accept this teaching, man? Can you accept this teaching, woman? Become one with each other, one with Christ and one with the Father.
Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ. The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.