Our paragraph topic is: (Instructions to the Twelve) Part 6.
Christ continues with his instructions to his disciples. He has already told them how to find the one that is worthy in a village or town. He has given them a challenge call to determine who is worthy, who claims to be worthy, and also to bring forth the demons who would stop this call to worthiness. In part 5, we talked about the call for peace when a disciple enters a home. If the peace that is given when saying, “Peace be upon this house,” comes back to the disciple then the house is not worthy. But if the peace remains in the house then the disciple is to stay there until he leaves.
Christ continues with his instructions to his disciples. He has already told them how to find the one that is worthy in a village or town. He has given them a challenge call to determine who is worthy, who claims to be worthy, and also to bring forth the demons who would stop this call to worthiness. In part 5, we talked about the call for peace when a disciple enters a home. If the peace that is given when saying, “Peace be upon this house,” comes back to the disciple then the house is not worthy. But if the peace remains in the house then the disciple is to stay there until he leaves.
Christ now instructs his disciples how to deal with those who do not accept them or listen to their words. He tells his disciples, And whoever does not receive you or listen to your words–go forth outside the house or town, and shake off the dust from your feet. These instructions are instructions of condemnation for the house or village or town that does not heed the words of the disciples. Christ has given the disciples a weapon to deal with those who will not accept the message of the kingdom of heaven. He has given the disciples a marker to place in the villages and towns. The disciples were the advance recon team that warned the people of the coming of the kingdom of heaven. They were the to give notice to the people to change their ways. And for those who did not, for those who heeded the ways of the devil, they were to be marked for destruction.
Kick the dust off your feet. Leave behind the marker of destruction. Give fair warning. But also give love to those who will listen. Freely give what you have freely received. Let them know that the kingdom of heaven is at hand and all they have to do is seek it. All they have to do is reach out to it. All they had to do is accept the word that was being brought to them by the disciples. For the demons will be working their magic in the villages and towns. They have made their strongholds within the villages and towns of the lost sheep of the house of Israel . They were in power. But Christ, has given the disciples the power to battle for the people. Christ has given them training and instructions of warfare. And he sent them forward on their solo journey to do battle.
Christ knew the outcome of the battles that the disciples would face. He knew the obstacles that would be thrown in their way. He knew the tricks and traps that the demons would play. So he gave his disciples weapons and instruments also. We too are in a spiritual battle today. We too fight against the forces of darkness. We are in the world but the world should not be in us. We live in the realm of darkness. We work in the environs of evil. We play in the playgrounds of the forces that would destroy us physically and drag us to hell spiritually.
Just like Christ gave his disciples instructions then, those same instructions apply today. Shake off the dust from the towns that you enter. Shake off the dust from the clubs, the bars, the restaurants, etc, that are dens of evil. Shake off the dust from the homes, and parties, and lust gatherings, and spring breaks, and all manner of evil events that are not worthy. Deliver the message of love and peace to the gentiles and the lost. But do not tarry, least you are caught up in the traps and snares of evil. Rest in the place of safety. Seek renewal in the house of the Lord. Strengthen your soul in the Holy Spirit and let him be your guide in everyday life. Renew your spirit daily through prayer and fasting and walk in the spirit of the Lord. Are you ready to do battle? Are you equipped with the weapons of war given by Christ? Come!! Train with the master that you may be successful in the world.