Our paragraph topic is: (The mother of James and John) Part 9.
And so it is revealed to the disciples that they will drink of the cup which Christ drank. It is revealed that they will follow in his footsteps. It is made known to them that they also will suffer the same as he suffered. They are his disciples. They are the followers of the Messiah. They will also do great things. He healed the sick. So will they. He made the lame walk and the blind see. So will they. He raised the dead. So will they. He suffered the sins of mankind. So will they suffer.
They wanted fame and fortune. They wanted to have followers the same as he. They wanted to be known throughout the land, the same as he. They wanted all that being his followers offered, so they had to pay the same price. What was that price? They had to suffer at the hands of the evil doers. The evil in the world did not want Christ to come. The evil in the world did not want the people to know. The evil in the world did not want the people to change. So it tried to stop Christ. It tried to prevent the change. It tried to work against the will of God who ordained that this would happen. And it was the will of God that brought about the change. But as for sitting on the right side and the left side of Christ, it was not his to give. He told them: "But as for sitting at my right hand and at my left, that is not mine to give you."
What were they to do? They had wanted so much to be with him on the throne. They had wanted so much to sit at his side. They, James and John, wanted so much to be elevated with Christ. But they were not Christ. They did not come down from heaven. They were not the son of the Father, the Messiah. They were his followers, his disciples, the witnesses of the Gospel, which they would preach to all the world.
Theirs was not the place of the lamb. Theirs was not to be the sacrifice for the sins of the world to redeem all humanity. Theirs came after. They were the followers. They were the witnesses to the sacrifice, the messengers of the word. They lived in his presence. The heard his words. The slept, ate, walked with him on this earth and they will be with him in heaven. They are the judges of the people. They will sit on the thrones before the altar of God. But it is destined by God the Father to restore his son to his rightful place at his side.
Christ came that we might have life. He came to destroy the bond of evil and to tear down the gates of hell that kept us from heaven. Death is no more. Life is given to those who seek it. Eternity is available to all who seek Christ and repent of their sins. Forgive us father for the trespasses that we committed. We were blinded. We could not see. The knowledge of you was taken away. But you held our hand. You did not let go. You brought us back to you and now we know. Now we can see. Now we know who we are. Now we are grateful for your saving grace, for your forgiveness, and for your mercy. To all who seek, they will find. To all who knock, the door will be opened to them. To all who ask, it will be given to them, says the Lord. Come! Seek that which is yours. Find that which you have searched for. Know that which is in you and a part of you from heaven above. You are a child of God!
Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ. The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.