Our paragraph topic is: (The vine-dressers kill the master's son) Part 5.
Our parable continues to talk about the story of the character of men and the opportunity they have to do good. The chief priest and the elders are given this opportunity by Christ as he tells them this story about the vine-dressers and the householder. They started out as good men but over time were changed into evil men. Greed possessed them. They became hardened. They beat others, stole what was not theirs and even killed to hold onto their claim.
Our parable continues to talk about the story of the character of men and the opportunity they have to do good. The chief priest and the elders are given this opportunity by Christ as he tells them this story about the vine-dressers and the householder. They started out as good men but over time were changed into evil men. Greed possessed them. They became hardened. They beat others, stole what was not theirs and even killed to hold onto their claim.
Christ demonstrated to the elders how they had the same opportunity as the vine-dressers before the master would come and destroy them. The householder sent two separate messengers asking for what was his proper fruit from his vineyard. And they denied him his rights. They the master sent his only son and they killed him. What did they think that the master would do when he came? He would utterly destroy them: "And will let out the vineyard to other vine-dressers who will render to him the fruits in their seasons."
We are the fruit of the vineyard and Christ is the vine from which we come. In him we are one. In him we have life. In him we are forgiven and become new sprouts from the one vine. He has appointed caretakers. They are the ones who will tend the vines and the vineyard to keep the weeds out and to keep the bugs that would destroy the vine. Do we have good caretakers? Do we have those who would till the soil and cultivate the land to aid in the growth and development of a good fruit? Or do we have those who are only concerned with their own well being and are slack caretakers?
We are the fruit of the vine and Christ is the vine from which we come. It is the job of the caretakers that the Father appoints to tend the vine to produce good fruit. Either the vine produces good fruit or bad fruit. One can tell by those are caretakers. The vine is good quality because it comes from the Father. Are they producing good fruit or bad fruit? Growth is not the key by which the fruit is measured. Bad fruit must grow also. What part are you?
The caretakers will pay a double price when the master comes. It is their job to care for the fruit that comes from the vine. It is their job to till the soil. It is their job to protect the vine from harm so that it may produce good fruit. We are from one vine and the Father has approved of it origin. He has hand picked the one vine that it may produce good fruit. Look around you and see if you have good caretakers. If not, then where do you belong? Find your place in the vineyard with good caretakers that you may grow and produce good fruit.
Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage nd then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ . The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.