Our paragraph topic is: (On the coming of Elias) Part 2.
They had witnessed the vision of Christ. They had seen the vision of Moses and Elias. They were puzzled by what they had seen and what they had heard. And yet the disciples knew that they had witnessed a great miracle. God the Father had spoken to them. He had instructed the disciples to listen and hear his son. He had given them the proof that they needed to believe in Christ through the visions they had witnessed. So they pondered within their minds the answers as to what they had seen and heard. But Christ warned them not to speak of it. He told them not to say what they had seen and heard until the Son of Man had risen from the dead.
The sacrifice had to be completed. The mission had to be finished. The debt had to be paid so that mankind would be redeemed. And what they had witnessed must be kept secret until that time. The disciples were puzzled. There were questions in their minds. There were burning answers that needed solutions. And they did not know how to proceed without answers to those questions. For they had been taught from childhood by the Pharisees the scriptures of their religion. They had been drilled as to the passages and the words that were passed down from old. So they questioned Christ as to the correctness of what they had learned. And the disciples asked him, saying, " Why then do the Scribes say that Elias must come first? "
Christ had taken three of his disciples up to the mountain that they may experience for themselves the truth of who he was. He wanted them to know with all certainty that he was the Messiah, the Son of the Father. So they were there to witness for themselves what they would hold within until the sacrifice had been made and the mission completed. They asked for understanding. They sought to know the truth of what they were taught and what they believed. Christ spoke to them about the raising from the dead, an expression that they did not understand. And today we ask that same question.
Will we die at the end our last days on earth? Will we sleep for an eternity when our time comes, only to be awakened at the final call? What will happen in the end? Do we go to heaven now and wait for the final judgment to come? Many have gone beyond death and returned to tell of what lies beyond. Many have experienced the horrors of hell and come back to warn us of what we will face if we continue in our evil ways. Does that deter us? Does that turn us around? There are many lost souls in the world that do not know the truth. The message is out there. We hear it being proclaimed in the background but do not listen. We have some knowledge of what we are to do to avoid judgment but fail to do it. We are weak. We are misled. We are influenced by the temptations of the world, born into a world destined to lead us away from the truth.
Looking back on my life, I was lost. I was misled. I was caught up in the whirlwind of the world thinking that I had to compete, I had to succeed, I had to win the prize. Little did I know that I was on the road to destruction. And if I continued on that road, I would loose my soul and the life that had been given me by the sacrifice made by Christ. I am grateful that he held on to me. I am thankful that he gave me life. I am blessed that he did not give up on me. Now I know who I am. Now I have found my treasure. Now I know with certainty that I am a child of God and my father loves me. And now I can see me through the veil of the physical and know me for who I am.
If you are reading this message, come follow the path that is laid before you. You will find peace. You will find joy. You will find happiness. And you will find the truth of who you are in Christ, here and now. Be certain. Be knowing. Be loved. Christ loves you, the Holy Spirit will lead you, and God the Father will protect you. May the gift of God be in your heart.
Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ. The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in!