Our paragraph topic is: (Parable of the weeds explained) Part 3.
The harvest will take place at the end of time. Christ has fortold to his disciples that the kingdom of heaven will be cleansed of all the weeds and they will be burned in the fire. Christ has spoken and he wants his diciples to know. He wants them to understand the meaning of the parable so that they will clearly grasp the truth of the parable. They are the disciples that will continue to carry the message after Christ's work is finished. They are the ones who will carry the message of the kingdom of heaven to the people throughout the world. So they must know. They must understand. They must have the wisdom and the knowledge of the kingdom.
The angels will come and gather the wicked. They will put them in bundles as it is done today in all farms across the world. Only this time the bundles will be burned. This time the bundles will be set afire for all to see. This time the wicked will burn. Christ tells his disciples, The Son of Man will send forth his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all scandals and those who work iniquity, and cast them into the furnace of fire, where there will be the weeping, and the gnashing of teeth.
The now know of the harvest. Christ has told them what will happen at the harvest. He has shown them that the wicked will be gathered up by the angels and put into the furnace of fire. And there will be great anguish and tribulation at the harvest for there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Tell the people. Help them to understand. Let them know of the forthcoming storm that they may prepare themselves for the coming tribulation. Those who have ears let them hear. Those who hear let them understand. Those who understand let them act that they will not be caught up into the furnace of fire where there is no escape.
Do you understand the parable? Do you heed its warning? Christ will come and clean his fields. Christ will come and gather up all workers of iniquity and scandals. They will be removed from the kingdom of heaven. They will be set aside. They will be burned in the furnace of fire. And the darkness will be removed from the fields of the kingdom and the just will shine forth. Do not let the veil of the world blind you from the message. For the world willl tell you that this will not happen. The world willl tell you, it did not happen yesterday. The world willl tell you, it did not happen today. So, the world willl tell you, it will not happen tomorrow. This is what the world will tell you.
The world will tell you not to worry. The world will tell you to go back to sleep and continue to work iniquity. The world will tell you to go back to sleep and continue to walk with Scandal. The world will tell you to continue to paly with the toys that it provides. The world will tell you to continue to seek its riches and not the riches of the kingdom of heaven. But the storm is coming. The weather man predicts the coming storms and the dangers that they bring. Christ has fortold the coming of the harvest. Let all who believe prepare themselves. Let all who know get ready. Let all who seek the kingdom understand the forcast given by Christ. The storm is coming. Are you prepared?