Highlighted New Testament Bible

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Thursday, December 31, 2015

St. Matthew, Chapter 20, verse:25a, Lords of the Gentiles.

Our paragraph topic is:  (Humility according to Christ's example) Part 2.

The mother of James and John had spoken the words that were in the hearts of the other disciples but were not spoken.  The others heard the words and their hearts were opened to Indignance.  They were angry.  They were mad.  They felt slighted that others would ask, through another, their mother, what was in their hearts.  They felt injustice in their hearts that others would speak their desires that they would be able to sit at the right hand of Christ in his kingdom.  Yet there it was in plan hearing, Indignance.

All wanted to be considered special.  All wanted to be number one with Christ.  But no disciple spoke these words that lay within their hearts.  No one knew where they stood with Christ.  Their model was what they saw in the real world.  Their representation was what they knew with the rulers of the day.  They knew how the rulers treated them.  They knew how they were regarded by the lords of the day.  They knew how they felt about the current lords and they wanted to be first at the table with ChristBut Jesus called them to him, and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them."

They all wanted to be lords.  They all wanted to kings in Christ's kingdom.  And they knew that by following him that they would receive a reward.  Their example was what they saw in their time.  Their understanding was what they knew of the leaders of the day.  They knew who the leaders were.  They saw them everyday.  It was not a big town or a big city with millions of people.  The rulers of the day had special privileges.  They wanted to be special.  They wanted to be known.  They wanted the rewards that came with following the Messiah

Christ would have them understand what their desires meant.  He would have them know that they were different.  He was different and not like what they knew and saw in their times.  His kingdom would be different.  His Lordship would be unlike what they knew in their times.  So they would have to be different.  They could not be like the current rulers.  They could not walk with pride.  They could not expect to be privileged as those they knew in their times.  They could not lord their authority over the people as the rulers they knew in their times.  They had to be different.

Christ gave up his kingship to come to earth.  He gave up his divinity to become like man.  He came to walk among us that we would know him.  He came to teach us the ways of the Father, to be an example that we could follow.  He came that we could know the love that the Father has for us, just as the Father loves his son.  He came out of love.  And the love that he brought to us is still available today.  As we go about our daily lives we can see before us the love of the Father .  The air that we breathe, the sun that we feel, the things that we are able to see are all manifestation of his love.  They show us his might and his majesty.  They show us that his glory is available for all to see, for all to feel and to taste, if we just open our hearts.  Take a moment to know him.  Take a moment to see him.  Take a moment to let him into your hearts.  He will come if you ask him.  He will speak if you call him.  He will touch you if you let him.  and in his touch is a lifetime of goodness and mercy, and forgiveness, and love.  The choice is your.  Pick up the phone and call him!

Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ.   The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.