Our paragraph topic is: (Parable of the sower explained) Part 3.
And Christ continues to give them what is given. He explains the parable of the sower so that they may understand. He gives knowledge so that they may perceive. He gives wisdom so that they may see with their eyes and hear with their ears and be converted that they may be saved. But some came not to hear. Some came not to understand. Some came to be entertained. Some came to be healed of their physical ailments but not of their spiritual ailments. And some came to destroy the seed that was being planted.
Christ saw all. Christ knew all and yet he gave. He saw the seed by the wayside and the evil one taking it away. He saw the seed on rocky ground and knew that it would not stand the test of temptation and persecution. Yet he gave. For his heart was filled with the love of the Father and the love of man. He continued to give until the end. And he told the parable of the seed planted with the thorns. He said, And the one sown among the thorns, that is he who listens to the word; but the care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and it is made fruitless.
He who has ears let him hear! The word has been spoken. The seed has been sown. The seed is in the world and the world will grow among the seeds. Throughout the world seeds are given. They are dispersed everyday through the blessings of the Holy Spirit. Many will hear. Many will rejoice. But few will nurture the seed. Few will water the seed. Few will cultivate the seed so that it will grow. Instead the seed will be in the world and the world will choke the seed. The seed will be in the world and the soil will yield no fruit. For man is in the world and the seed is not of the world.
Turn within and see your seed! Turn within and nurture your seed! For it is within that you grow. It is within that you develop. For it is within that your new being will come forth. But, you must water from within. You must cultivate from within. You must nurture from within and not from outside. For the outside is inclined to death and the inside is inclined towards life. Christ came so that you may have life and have it more abundantly. Is not the life more than the clothes, the paper money, the cars, the houses, the parties, the wealth of this world? But life is not of this world and your rewards are not of this world. So, why do you seek the riches of this world that are dirt compared to the riches of heaven?
Seek your reward and you will know the joy and peace of heaven. Ask for your heavenly riches and you will be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams. Then, you will know your true self and your true heritage. For you are a child of God and he has prepared great things for you in heaven. Come, get a glimpse of your reward and you will know. Seek the Holy Spirit and he will be your guide. He sits at your door waiting. Invite him in!
And Christ continues to give them what is given. He explains the parable of the sower so that they may understand. He gives knowledge so that they may perceive. He gives wisdom so that they may see with their eyes and hear with their ears and be converted that they may be saved. But some came not to hear. Some came not to understand. Some came to be entertained. Some came to be healed of their physical ailments but not of their spiritual ailments. And some came to destroy the seed that was being planted.
Christ saw all. Christ knew all and yet he gave. He saw the seed by the wayside and the evil one taking it away. He saw the seed on rocky ground and knew that it would not stand the test of temptation and persecution. Yet he gave. For his heart was filled with the love of the Father and the love of man. He continued to give until the end. And he told the parable of the seed planted with the thorns. He said, And the one sown among the thorns, that is he who listens to the word; but the care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and it is made fruitless.
He who has ears let him hear! The word has been spoken. The seed has been sown. The seed is in the world and the world will grow among the seeds. Throughout the world seeds are given. They are dispersed everyday through the blessings of the Holy Spirit. Many will hear. Many will rejoice. But few will nurture the seed. Few will water the seed. Few will cultivate the seed so that it will grow. Instead the seed will be in the world and the world will choke the seed. The seed will be in the world and the soil will yield no fruit. For man is in the world and the seed is not of the world.
Turn within and see your seed! Turn within and nurture your seed! For it is within that you grow. It is within that you develop. For it is within that your new being will come forth. But, you must water from within. You must cultivate from within. You must nurture from within and not from outside. For the outside is inclined to death and the inside is inclined towards life. Christ came so that you may have life and have it more abundantly. Is not the life more than the clothes, the paper money, the cars, the houses, the parties, the wealth of this world? But life is not of this world and your rewards are not of this world. So, why do you seek the riches of this world that are dirt compared to the riches of heaven?
Seek your reward and you will know the joy and peace of heaven. Ask for your heavenly riches and you will be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams. Then, you will know your true self and your true heritage. For you are a child of God and he has prepared great things for you in heaven. Come, get a glimpse of your reward and you will know. Seek the Holy Spirit and he will be your guide. He sits at your door waiting. Invite him in!