Our paragraph topic is: (Disciples warned to shun the Pharisees) Part 4.
Christ had spoken and the Pharisees heard and took offense. Christ called the people to himself. He called their attention to what he was to say. He told them to hear and understand, and his words opened the eyes and the hearts of the people. For he told them that what goes into the mouth does not defile a man as had been preached by the Pharisees. He told the people that it is what comes out of the mouth that defiles a man. It is what is spoken that indicates that a man is defiled and unclean. And the Pharisees had taken offense for this was against their teachings.
And the disciples heard the murmurings of the Pharisees. The disciples listened to the Pharisees and they were upset that the Pharisees were upset. The disciples were concerned that the Pharisees had taken offense to the words of Christ for they did not know the evil that possessed the Pharisees. And Christ calmed their minds. Christ spoke to his disciples and reminded them of the power and majesty of his father who did not plant seeds in the Pharisees. He reminded them of outcome of those seeds that were planted by evil and what will happen to them in the final days. They would be rooted up and thrown into the fire to burn. And finally he spoke to his disciples in a way to let them know that the Pharisees were blind. Let them alone; they are blind guides of blind men. But if a blind man guide a blind man, both fall into a pit."
And so it was spoken that the disciples could understand. And so it is written that we, today, may understand. Who is blind and who is sighted? How do we know who we follow? Are we being led by blind men, the blind guide? Or are we being lead by the teacher, the Advocate, that Christ promised? We go to church, we perform our religious duties, we pray, we fast, we do all the things that we are taught to do. But who is teaching? Who is leading? Who is our guide? Christ has given us instructions. He has left us his words. He has provided us a path to follow that we may not be misled. Hear and understand, he commanded us, that we may know. Every plant that the heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up.
Will you continue to follow an uprooted plant? Will you continue to believe in the words that come from the seed not planted by the Father? Will you continue to follow the blind guide that will lead you into the pit? Seek and you shall find the true guide that leads to the Father. Knock and it shall be opened to you that you may have sight beyond your earthly vision. Ask and it shall be given to you that you may have the wisdom of heaven to understand that which is given you. For those who seek will find, those who knock will have doors opened to them. And those who ask the Father, it will be given to them that they may see. The true teacher seeks to teach you. The true guide seeks to lead you. The true spirit of Christ seeks to dwell within you that you may know your Father in heaven and yield fruit a hundred fold.
Christ had spoken and the Pharisees heard and took offense. Christ called the people to himself. He called their attention to what he was to say. He told them to hear and understand, and his words opened the eyes and the hearts of the people. For he told them that what goes into the mouth does not defile a man as had been preached by the Pharisees. He told the people that it is what comes out of the mouth that defiles a man. It is what is spoken that indicates that a man is defiled and unclean. And the Pharisees had taken offense for this was against their teachings.
And the disciples heard the murmurings of the Pharisees. The disciples listened to the Pharisees and they were upset that the Pharisees were upset. The disciples were concerned that the Pharisees had taken offense to the words of Christ for they did not know the evil that possessed the Pharisees. And Christ calmed their minds. Christ spoke to his disciples and reminded them of the power and majesty of his father who did not plant seeds in the Pharisees. He reminded them of outcome of those seeds that were planted by evil and what will happen to them in the final days. They would be rooted up and thrown into the fire to burn. And finally he spoke to his disciples in a way to let them know that the Pharisees were blind. Let them alone; they are blind guides of blind men. But if a blind man guide a blind man, both fall into a pit."
And so it was spoken that the disciples could understand. And so it is written that we, today, may understand. Who is blind and who is sighted? How do we know who we follow? Are we being led by blind men, the blind guide? Or are we being lead by the teacher, the Advocate, that Christ promised? We go to church, we perform our religious duties, we pray, we fast, we do all the things that we are taught to do. But who is teaching? Who is leading? Who is our guide? Christ has given us instructions. He has left us his words. He has provided us a path to follow that we may not be misled. Hear and understand, he commanded us, that we may know. Every plant that the heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up.
Will you continue to follow an uprooted plant? Will you continue to believe in the words that come from the seed not planted by the Father? Will you continue to follow the blind guide that will lead you into the pit? Seek and you shall find the true guide that leads to the Father. Knock and it shall be opened to you that you may have sight beyond your earthly vision. Ask and it shall be given to you that you may have the wisdom of heaven to understand that which is given you. For those who seek will find, those who knock will have doors opened to them. And those who ask the Father, it will be given to them that they may see. The true teacher seeks to teach you. The true guide seeks to lead you. The true spirit of Christ seeks to dwell within you that you may know your Father in heaven and yield fruit a hundred fold.