Our paragraph topic is: (The sign of Jonas) Part 2.
And he told them a mystery. He told them a wonder. He told them things that they did not comprehend. For the Pharisees sought to prevail over Christ by asking him to provide another miracle, a sign, that they might believe that he was the Messiah. Christ refused their request. He refused their demand. He refused to allow them to continue down this path of unbelief based upon their desire to have a sign. For they wanted a sign. They wanted to see another wonder. They wanted to see his power so that they could attempt to understand who he was. But the demons that possessed them only wanted another opportunity to try to trick him. They wanted another opportunity to persuade the people to turn away from Christ. Christ refused them.
Instead Christ gave them a mystery. He gave them a prophecy that they would ponder, that they would wonder about. He told them that the only sign they would receive is the sign of Jonas in the belly of the whale. The Pharisees knew of the story of Jonas but they did not understand how this applied to Christ. He told them, "For even as Jonas was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."
And they did not understand. They did not know his words nor could they figure out the meaning of this mystery he spoke. For he spoke of being in the earth for three days and three nights. He compared this to Jonas being in the belly of the whale. Yet Jonas was disobedient to God who sent him to Nineve to give a message to the people. Jonas was swallowed up by a whale because he refused to go. Jonas ran from the assignment that God gave him and was thrown overboard and swallowed by a whale. The Pharisees wondered how could this story relate to Christ. They wondered how could this be a sign or a wonder that would proclaim the his identity. Christ gave them a sign that would fulfill itself in the future so that when it happened they would know that he was the Messiah, they would know that he spoke the truth, they would know that he was of the Father.
What do we see of this same situation, today? Many would have a sign that Christ is Lord. Many would have a miracle that there is a God in order to believe. For they do not believe otherwise, even if a miracle were performed before their very eyes. They still would find some reason not to believe. They still would attempt to rationalize, within their minds, the power and authority of God. Do you need a sign? Do you seek to understand the power and authority of God, today?
Do you give him praise and glory no matter what the situation? If death comes, if destruction comes, if disasters comes, if moves of nature come, if senseless killings come, if whatever comes, do you still give him the praise and the glory? For he is the Lord almighty and his ways are higher than our ways. Not giving praise means that you do not accept God as all powerful and having all authority.
We question the actions. We doubt the need. We seek to understand the meaning within ourselves. We give way to pain. We give way to sorrow. We give way to despair and anger. We give way to the isolation and the loss which the devil brings after the storm. But the loss should be joy. The loss should be jubilation. The loss should be exultation. For the loved one has gone to Christ who has prepared a place for you and for your loved one in heaven and there they await your arrival. Christ is still King of King and Lord of Lords and he moves with a mighty hand. And we should always and at all times give him the praise and the glory that he is on the thrown and rules the world. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah, praise his holy name!
And he told them a mystery. He told them a wonder. He told them things that they did not comprehend. For the Pharisees sought to prevail over Christ by asking him to provide another miracle, a sign, that they might believe that he was the Messiah. Christ refused their request. He refused their demand. He refused to allow them to continue down this path of unbelief based upon their desire to have a sign. For they wanted a sign. They wanted to see another wonder. They wanted to see his power so that they could attempt to understand who he was. But the demons that possessed them only wanted another opportunity to try to trick him. They wanted another opportunity to persuade the people to turn away from Christ. Christ refused them.
Instead Christ gave them a mystery. He gave them a prophecy that they would ponder, that they would wonder about. He told them that the only sign they would receive is the sign of Jonas in the belly of the whale. The Pharisees knew of the story of Jonas but they did not understand how this applied to Christ. He told them, "For even as Jonas was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."
And they did not understand. They did not know his words nor could they figure out the meaning of this mystery he spoke. For he spoke of being in the earth for three days and three nights. He compared this to Jonas being in the belly of the whale. Yet Jonas was disobedient to God who sent him to Nineve to give a message to the people. Jonas was swallowed up by a whale because he refused to go. Jonas ran from the assignment that God gave him and was thrown overboard and swallowed by a whale. The Pharisees wondered how could this story relate to Christ. They wondered how could this be a sign or a wonder that would proclaim the his identity. Christ gave them a sign that would fulfill itself in the future so that when it happened they would know that he was the Messiah, they would know that he spoke the truth, they would know that he was of the Father.
What do we see of this same situation, today? Many would have a sign that Christ is Lord. Many would have a miracle that there is a God in order to believe. For they do not believe otherwise, even if a miracle were performed before their very eyes. They still would find some reason not to believe. They still would attempt to rationalize, within their minds, the power and authority of God. Do you need a sign? Do you seek to understand the power and authority of God, today?
Do you give him praise and glory no matter what the situation? If death comes, if destruction comes, if disasters comes, if moves of nature come, if senseless killings come, if whatever comes, do you still give him the praise and the glory? For he is the Lord almighty and his ways are higher than our ways. Not giving praise means that you do not accept God as all powerful and having all authority.
We question the actions. We doubt the need. We seek to understand the meaning within ourselves. We give way to pain. We give way to sorrow. We give way to despair and anger. We give way to the isolation and the loss which the devil brings after the storm. But the loss should be joy. The loss should be jubilation. The loss should be exultation. For the loved one has gone to Christ who has prepared a place for you and for your loved one in heaven and there they await your arrival. Christ is still King of King and Lord of Lords and he moves with a mighty hand. And we should always and at all times give him the praise and the glory that he is on the thrown and rules the world. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah, praise his holy name!