Highlighted New Testament Bible

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Saturday, February 27, 2016

St. Matthew, Chapter 20, verse:30b, They cried out.

Our paragraph topic is:  (The blind men at Jericho) Part 3. 

The word was a powerful thing in those days.  The people did not have television.  They did not have radios.  They did not have books and many did not know how to read.  All they had was what they heard by word of mouth.  And the words about Christ spread like wildfire; all wanted to hear of his deeds.  Even those who were not spoken to directly heard.  They were near to where the words were being spoken.

And then there were the two blind men sitting by the wayside going about their daily business of begging their food, begging for their needs.  This is how they provided for themselves.  Many saw them as sinners because they were blind.  It was believed that someone had to commit a sin in order for them to suffer the fate of being blind.  But the word did not discriminate.  It came to all who would listen.  It came to all who could hear.  It came even to the blind.

The blind men spoke to all who came by.  They begged loudly for a penny, or a quarter, or anything that would help them.  Their voices were heard by all who passed by.  And then they heard that Christ was coming to their town.  They heard that Christ was in their village.  They heard that Christ was traveling the road that they were on.  Their hearts were uplifted.  For surely Christ would hear their plea.  And when he came near, they "Cried out, saying, 'Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!' " 

Fortune shone on them that day.  Their opportunity knocked on their door.  The Lord and Savior of the world walked passed their begging place and they cried out with a loud voice.  They would not be silenced.  They would not speak quietly.  They would not stop calling his name.  They knew that this day was their day to be heard.  All the days of their lives they never thought that they would have this opportunity.   All the days of their lives they never imagined they would be near the presences of the Lord.  They had heard of his miracles.  They had heard of his deeds.  They knew that he had made the cripple walk, expelled demons from the sick, opened the ears of the deaf, and even raised the dead.  Why was it not possible for him to give them sight?

Christ comes to us in many forms.  He may come in an unexpected gift, or through a person, or through an awakening that we have never experienced.  He may even come to us in a life saving event that made us aware of how vulnerable we are in this world.  We go about our lives everyday without acknowledging how fragile we are.  We take our lives for granted not expecting anything to harm or destroy that which we have.  And when tragedy strikes and we come to realize the truth of our existence. 

The world around us is dying, everyday.  Our existence is dying.  Our lives as we know it can be taken in an instant.  Why not be ready?  Why not be prepared?  Why not know who you are inside?  The inevitability of our lives is that death awaits us.  The truth of who we are is that we are eternal beings, the death of the body is not the death of the soul.  For those who believe, God is our Father.  He created us in his image and his likeness and our Father is eternal.  Whether we accept who we are or deny it, the outcome is still the same.  We face a physical death and then the spiritual life within is transformed.  Where we end up is our choice.  Acceptance is the key.  Love is the vessel.  And Christ is our savior.  Come!  His love awaits you!

Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ.   The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.

Monday, February 22, 2016

St. Matthew, Chapter 20, verse:30a, Two Blind men.

Our paragraph topic is:  (The blind men at Jericho) Part 2. 

A great crowd followed Christ as he was leaving Jericho.  He was the person of the times.  Everyone wanted to see him.  Everyone wanted to be near him.  Everyone wanted something from him.  They were drawn to him through the word.  They heard through the word.  And the word spread of his deeds, of his miracles, of his teachings.  Many thought that he would bring about change.  But his change was of a greater purpose than what was imagined.

He came for a purpose.  He walked and talked for a purpose.  He taught of the things to come and of his Father.  And he gave comfort to those in need.  He gave hope to those without hope.  He brought light into the darkness so that those without belief would know, those without hope would be hopeful, those without faith would see that their faith was real.  Even the blind who could not see knew that he was the one.  "And behold, two blind men sitting by the wayside heard that Jesus was passing by."

The word was everywhere.  Everyone was talking about him.  Everyone was spreading his message and what they saw.  And that meant that they stopped what they were doing and came to him.  He was in their town.  He was in their village.  He was nearby and they wanted to see for themselves.  He was nearby and they wanted to know for themselves.  He was there and they wanted to be there.  The two blind men were there and this was their opportunity.

Great people come into our lives and we have opportunities to see them, to be where they are, to even have a chance to meet them.  So when that opportunity presents itself, if we are lucky, we rush to be in that place where they are.  This is our nature.  This is who we are.  This is the opportunity to grab a moment in time that we will remember for the rest of our lives. 

What would you do if you heard that Jesus was passing by your city?  What would do if you heard that Christ was coming to your town?  If it were announced on the news that Christ was having a meeting at your local church, your local arena, or coliseum, would you come?  Would you make an effort to buy a ticket, to get off from work, to plan a way to get to where he would be?  He performs miracles.  He changes lives.  He makes the blind see and the lame walk, and the cripple whole.  What could he do for you, if you came to see him?

Each and everyday we have that same opportunity.  Each and everyday we can go to see him, be with him, touch him, know that he is with us.  Each and everyday we have the opportunity to live with him just as the disciples did two thousand years ago.  The choice is ours.  The opportunity is ours if we choose.  All we have to do is ask. 

We must know that our asking requires patience.  We must know that our asking requires believing.  It is believing that we must act on, knowing with certainty that he will hear us and answer.  For without that certainty, impatience will creep in.  Without that certainty, impatience will seek to persuade you to give up.  Impatience will talk to you and seek to make you believe that he will not answer.  Impatience will seek to destroy your faith in him.  But patience will deliver.  For patience will allow you to see the miracles that he will perform in your lives.  Patience will give you the strength to know that he will answer.  Patience will walk with you each day, each hour, each minute and show you how to walk in belief, and to walk in faith, and to walk in hope.  We are his children and he is our Father.  He will provide.

Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ.   The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

St. Matthew, Chapter 20, verse:29, The Crowd.

Our paragraph topic is:  (The blind men at Jericho) Part 1. 

Humility was the example that Christ wanted his disciples to learn.  He gave them his example.  He showed them that he came to serve.  He told them that he came to give of his life.  He wanted them to know, even though he was the Messiah, even though he was the Son of God, even though he was a king, he relinquished all, that he might come and serve man.  This was not the example of their time.  This was not the way of the present rulers and leaders.  They would not have made such a sacrifice.  But this was the way to being great.

So they left that place and continued on their journey.  They followed him that he might continue to teach them, that he might continue to prepare them for the path that they would follow after he was gone.  For his journey was coming to an end soon.  His path was leading to Jerusalem where he would face death.  They followed and their eyes were slowly opened.  And as they were leaving Jericho, a great crowd followed him. 

He was the leader and they were the followers.  He was the teacher and they were the students.  He was the Messiah and they were to become the Apostles of the new faith.  This was the path they were on.  This was their journey.  This would become their understanding after he had returned to the Father.  They walked with him.  They talked with him.  They eat and slept and breathed the same air with him.  They believed in him and knew not of what was to happen.  He told them of the journey.  He made reference to it often.  But the knowledge of the outcome was not with them.

What made him special?  What caused the crowds to follow?  What was it that caused the crowds to believe and yet did not allow the elders, the rulers, the leaders of the day to believe?  Was it the miracles?  Was it the food that he gave?  Was it the hope that he brought to them that made a difference?  Was it the change that they felt that gave them the courage to believe that something was different?  The people followed him.  The people cried out to him.  The people wanted to be near him, to touch him, to see him with their own eyes.  So they came from near and far.  They came to him.

And so, the crowds followed him.  The crowds believed in him.  The crowds had faith in him that something would change because of him.  And they came.  They came because they heard it in their ears.  They came that they could see it with their eyes.  They came that they could feel it in their hearts and know that he was real.  They came because the Father called them and they heard.  Can you hear?  Can you see that which is the truth within you?  Can you know the truth of who you are in him?  Can you believe that you are different?  Or have you been deceived?  Have you been blinded?  Has your heart been closed to the love that awaits you from the Father?  He calls all his children.  Come!  Hear his call!

Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ.   The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

St. Matthew, Chapter 20, verse:28b, The Ransom.

Our paragraph topic is: (Humility according to Christ's example) Part 8.

Christ wanted his disciples to understand his humility.  He wanted to give them an example that they could believe in and follow, an example that they could accept.  For he had told them that if they wanted to be great they had to become servants.  He told them that if they wanted to be first then they would have to become slaves.  He told them that even though he was lord and teacher and Messiah, he came that he might serve and not be served.

Christ had power.  He had influence.  He had all that they wanted to become.  They believed that he would take over the existing rulers and establish a new kingdom of which they would become a part.  This is why the mother of James and John came forward and spoke the words of sitting on high at his right hand and his left.  They believed that they would become rulers with him.  But contrary to all that they believed, Christ was a humble man.  He was a meek man.  He was a man with a purpose.  And he told them that he came: "To give his life as a ransom for many."

He knew why he came.  He knew the journey.  He knew the end.  And he understood the sacrifice that had to be made to ransom the many.  How difficult would it be to live your life knowing the outcome?  We all must die, but we expect to die of old age.  To live your life knowing the outcome would be like knowing that you are dying of cancer.  It would be like 
trying to find some purpose to go on living until the end comes.  What purpose is there?  What meaning is there?  What life is there if you know for certain that death waits for you in a month, 6 months or a year?  And you can feel your life slowing slipping away.  Yet this was the life of Christ who came to be the ransom.

He knew the outcome.  He knew of the pain.  He knew of the suffering that he would face.  Yet he marched forward facing the truth of his outcome.  Many make the decisions to give their lives to save others.  In an instant, a man will run into a burning building or a home to save the life of someone trapped in the flames.  They do this even without fully contemplating the loss of their own life.  When an auto accident happens and someone is trapped, we rush to help without thinking that we may risk our own lives in the process.  But who would live their life knowing that they would loose it in the process of helping someone else. 

And this was the life of our Lord Christ Jesus.  He lived.  He loved.  He died knowing that his sacrifice would save the world.  He walked with the disciples and talked with them.  He showed them many miracles where he transformed the lives of many.  Yet he was humble.  He was meek.  He was loving and caring.  He is our example to follow as to how we should live our lives.  He suffered more than we ever will.  He willingly came and lived his life that we would have our life eternally.  And he paid the price for all who would follow that we may not die but be cleansed from sin.

The choice is ours.  The choice is yours.  Find the peace that is within you and seek the knowledge that is yours to have.  You are a child of God.  Your are created in his image and his likeness.  You are not flesh and bone but spirit.  The light of Christ resides in you.  Know the truth of who you are in him and your eyes will be opened, your heart will be filled, and the love of God will guide you on the path that leads to your eternal Father

Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ.   The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.