Highlighted New Testament Bible

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Monday, June 27, 2016

St. Matthew, Chapter 21, verse: 8, The humble and the lowly paid him homage .

Our paragraph topic is:  (Triumphal entry into Jerusalem) Part 3. 

They heard that he was coming.  And the word spread of his arrival.  They came to see, they came to hear, they came that they could be a part of his arrival.  They were simple folks.  They were poor, they were humble, they were the downtrodden and the suffering.  But they believed in him.  They had faith in him that he would change their world, change their suffering, change their pain into joy.  They believed.

So they came out to meet him.  They had no horns or drums to announce his coming.  They had no confetti to welcome him, but they had their cloaks.  And they found a way to honor him, a way to praise him, a way to give him the glory that he deserved.  And most of the crowd spread their cloaks upon the road, while others were cutting branches from trees, and strewing them on the road. 

This was their time to celebrate.  This was their time to rejoice.  This was their time to show to the world the coming of the Messiah and their belief in him.  They were not the governors, or the priests, or the men of power, or the merchants of the day.  These were the common folk, the people who had heard the word, the people who were poor and downtrodden, the everyday common people who were trying to eek out a living in those trying times.

And Christ came onto the scene.  He heals the sick and the word travels.  He cast out demons and the word goes forth.  He cures the lepers and open the eyes of the blind, and makes the lame walk, and forgives the sins of those who are sinners.  He raises the dead to demonstrate to those who believe that he is the Messiah, the Son of God.  And the word becomes wildfire and spreads throughout the land.  And now he comes to the annual celebration of the Passover and all want to see, all want to know, all want to be a part of the new beginning that he brings.

Only a hand full know what is about to happen.  Only the few have been warned of the sacrifice.  Only a few follow in horror of the greatest suffering that is about to take place for one so innocent and unblemished as Christ.  They did not know what was happening.  They did not understand why this was taking place.  They thought that he came to take over the kingdom, to be ruler of the world, to transform all the evil that was taking place.  They did not know or fully believe that he came to be the sacrifice, the propitiation for our sins.  They did not know that he would rise again, triumphant over death, never to die again.  They only knew that they could see what was in front of them and what they saw was horror.

Two thousand years later we know why he came.  It has been given to us to see the church that he created through the disciples.  It has been given to us to know of his sacrifice, of his suffering, of his pain, of his death, of his resurrection, and of his ascension into heaven to sit at the right hand of his Father.  We who believe know the why and the wherefore.  That has been given to us.  What we do not know is when he will return, when the words will be fulfilled.  Will you be ready?  Do you believe?  Do you know who you are in Christ?

Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage nd then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ.   The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.