Our paragraph topic is: (Parable of the vine-dressers) Part 4.
The householder of the vineyard continues to send messengers to the vine-dressers requesting samples of wine from his vineyard. He sent one set of servants to the vine-dressers and they beat one, killed another and stoned another. When he did not hear from them he sent another group of messengers. But the same thing happened to them, they did not return. So now he is wondering what has happened to his property and why he has not heard from the vine-dressers about his wine.
Maybe they were detained. Maybe they were robbed on the way and killed. Maybe there was a bad storm that killed them and they could not reach the vine-dressers. Maybe a number of things could have happened that the householder did not know. So as a last effort he decides to send someone with honor and respect that they, the vine-dressers, would see and yield to the householders requests. Finally he sent his son to them, saying, 'They will respect my son.'
His son was his replacement as spokesperson. His son was a key figurehead for the Father. His son was the future for the Father and brought respect and obedience the same as the Father. The pride of who we are as fathers goes forth with our sons. We have raised our children to the best of our ability. We have given them the wisdom and knowledge that was passed down to us from our fathers as well as the life's lessons that we have learned throughout our years. We give them all that we can and all that we know.
The householder of the vineyard continues to send messengers to the vine-dressers requesting samples of wine from his vineyard. He sent one set of servants to the vine-dressers and they beat one, killed another and stoned another. When he did not hear from them he sent another group of messengers. But the same thing happened to them, they did not return. So now he is wondering what has happened to his property and why he has not heard from the vine-dressers about his wine.
Maybe they were detained. Maybe they were robbed on the way and killed. Maybe there was a bad storm that killed them and they could not reach the vine-dressers. Maybe a number of things could have happened that the householder did not know. So as a last effort he decides to send someone with honor and respect that they, the vine-dressers, would see and yield to the householders requests. Finally he sent his son to them, saying, 'They will respect my son.'
His son was his replacement as spokesperson. His son was a key figurehead for the Father. His son was the future for the Father and brought respect and obedience the same as the Father. The pride of who we are as fathers goes forth with our sons. We have raised our children to the best of our ability. We have given them the wisdom and knowledge that was passed down to us from our fathers as well as the life's lessons that we have learned throughout our years. We give them all that we can and all that we know.
Yet we are not they and they are not us. They grow up in a time and place different from what we have known as parents. They have opportunities that we did not have as children. They come to know much more than we can know about the future. Yet the knowledge and wisdom from the past is their guiding lessons to lead them in the future. Some things about life are changing and some things are constant.
This parable is about opportunity. It is about redemption. It is about mercy and forgiveness and love. The householder gave ample opportunity to the vine-dressers to do what was right with respect to his property, his vineyard. Twice they refused. And twice the householder was patient and merciful and not sending an army to retake what was rightfully his. The fruit was so good and the wine so precious that the vine-dressers decided to take what was not theirs.
And the Father sent his son to allow for redemption assuming that the vine-dressers would respect him. He assumed that they would recognize the authority of the son and do what was right. He assumed that the vine-dressers were honorable men; they would understand the consequences of the appearance of the son and would relinquish and return to the householder his fruit. But they were not respectful. They were not honorable. They were not men who could see the opportunity that was being offered to them. They could only see the greed in taking possession of the vineyard.
We steal, we lie, we cheat, we murder, we deceive to get that which we believe is ours to have. Our passions drive us to see only that which is given us by this world, where it is common and expected to be this way. Yet we miss the opportunity given us by what has been freely given. We came with nothing, for we were dust. We leave with everything for we are spirit, eternal life given us freely by the passion of Christ. His love, his compassion, his mercy, his blessings, his forgiveness is all that we need. He has given us the riches of the world and more, if we believe in him. Yet we do not. We believe in the dirt that the world offers that does not fulfill. Be not the vine-dressers taking what is not yours. Be not the disrespectful not knowing who you are. Be not the lawless, not seeing the truth of the boundaries set for your protection. For God your Father has given every opportunity to change, every opportunity to accept, every opportunity to believe. Opportunity knocks at your door. Open and receive the riches of heaven.
Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage nd then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ . The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.
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