Our paragraph topic is: (The blind men at Jericho) Part 11.
We finish this paragraph on a happy note. The two blind men sat by the roadside begging for their existence. They could not see. They had no means of support. Their life and their livelihood depended upon the generosity of those who passed by their station. They lived in darkness. They were without hope and believed only in what they could get from those who passed by.
Some were generous. Some were meager. Some gave nothing. And others cursed them for their plight. But this was all they knew how to do to provide for themselves. And then the word came their way. The people spoke of his miracles. The people spoke the word of all that he had done for others. He healed the sick, opened the ears of the deaf, made the lame walk and cast out devils. He even raised the dead. And suddenly their hearts leapt for joy. Suddenly there was hope. Suddenly they had dreams of being able to see and they believed in the words that they heard.
And Christ came their way. He walked the road that they sat upon begging for their daily bread. And they heard his coming. They heard the crowds shouting his name. They cried out for his help. Even as everyone pushed them aside they continued to cry out for his help. And he heard their cries over all the others. He heard their sorrow, their pain, their hope, and their belief that he could help them. And he touched their eyes: and at once they received their sight, and followed him.
They were touched by Christ and received their sight. He made them whole. He gave them new hope and new faith and a new life to live. Their hearts were filled with joy that they could now see the world as it was. Their hearts rejoiced that they no longer lived in darkness. Their hearts rejoiced that they were released from their prison and could finally be independent and provide for themselves. Imagine the transformation that took place in their lives to go from darkness to light, to go from being dependent to independence, to go from being blind to now being able to see the world in its true form and beauty. This was the gift that Christ gave to these two blind men.
We live in a world today that is filled with the things that we are given to see. We have access to instant everything that consume our attention and occupy our time. We can text, skype, talk, Instagram, Tweet, Google, Facebook, be Linkedin, use all sorts of new technology to make our lives better and more convenient. We can even binge watch TV to idle the time away until our brains are fried. But can we see the truth where all this leads us? Where are we going? What are we doing with our lives? What is the meaning of why we are here? Is this all that there is to life?
Christ opened the eyes of the two blind men. He transformed their lives in an instant. And they followed him. What would you do if your eyes were opened that you could truly see where you were going, where you could see what your purpose was in life, where you could understand who you are? I saw but I did not see. I knew but I did not know. I understood but I did not have knowledge. And then Christ touched me and opened my eyes. He gave me new purpose and new life. Now I know who I am in him. Now I see clearly the world around me. Now I have knowledge that comes from him and not from the world around me. Now I have knowledge that comes from the Lord. Come! Receive your sight from the Lord and you too will be transformed. You too will know the truth of who you are in him. You too will see the light of life that is within you. Come! Cry out to the Lord and he will come, touch you and transform you into a new being, a being of light and life eternal.
Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ. The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.
We finish this paragraph on a happy note. The two blind men sat by the roadside begging for their existence. They could not see. They had no means of support. Their life and their livelihood depended upon the generosity of those who passed by their station. They lived in darkness. They were without hope and believed only in what they could get from those who passed by.
Some were generous. Some were meager. Some gave nothing. And others cursed them for their plight. But this was all they knew how to do to provide for themselves. And then the word came their way. The people spoke of his miracles. The people spoke the word of all that he had done for others. He healed the sick, opened the ears of the deaf, made the lame walk and cast out devils. He even raised the dead. And suddenly their hearts leapt for joy. Suddenly there was hope. Suddenly they had dreams of being able to see and they believed in the words that they heard.
And Christ came their way. He walked the road that they sat upon begging for their daily bread. And they heard his coming. They heard the crowds shouting his name. They cried out for his help. Even as everyone pushed them aside they continued to cry out for his help. And he heard their cries over all the others. He heard their sorrow, their pain, their hope, and their belief that he could help them. And he touched their eyes: and at once they received their sight, and followed him.
They were touched by Christ and received their sight. He made them whole. He gave them new hope and new faith and a new life to live. Their hearts were filled with joy that they could now see the world as it was. Their hearts rejoiced that they no longer lived in darkness. Their hearts rejoiced that they were released from their prison and could finally be independent and provide for themselves. Imagine the transformation that took place in their lives to go from darkness to light, to go from being dependent to independence, to go from being blind to now being able to see the world in its true form and beauty. This was the gift that Christ gave to these two blind men.
We live in a world today that is filled with the things that we are given to see. We have access to instant everything that consume our attention and occupy our time. We can text, skype, talk, Instagram, Tweet, Google, Facebook, be Linkedin, use all sorts of new technology to make our lives better and more convenient. We can even binge watch TV to idle the time away until our brains are fried. But can we see the truth where all this leads us? Where are we going? What are we doing with our lives? What is the meaning of why we are here? Is this all that there is to life?
Christ opened the eyes of the two blind men. He transformed their lives in an instant. And they followed him. What would you do if your eyes were opened that you could truly see where you were going, where you could see what your purpose was in life, where you could understand who you are? I saw but I did not see. I knew but I did not know. I understood but I did not have knowledge. And then Christ touched me and opened my eyes. He gave me new purpose and new life. Now I know who I am in him. Now I see clearly the world around me. Now I have knowledge that comes from him and not from the world around me. Now I have knowledge that comes from the Lord. Come! Receive your sight from the Lord and you too will be transformed. You too will know the truth of who you are in him. You too will see the light of life that is within you. Come! Cry out to the Lord and he will come, touch you and transform you into a new being, a being of light and life eternal.
Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ. The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.
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