Our paragraph topic is: (Jesus feeds five thousand) Part 4.
All ate and were satisfied. The people were in need. They needed food. They needed guidance. They needed leadership. They needed hope. All were in need. John the Baptist was their voice in the wilderness. John preached repentance. John showed the people the way to salvation and told them that the Messiah was coming. John gave the people hope. And then John was no more. And chaos came. And doubt came. And fear came and the people did not know what to do. But Christ came and saw their hopelessness. Christ came and saw their needs. Christ came and had compassion and all were satisfied. For he healed the sick, cured the lame, opened the eyes of the blind and fed the multitudes.
The disciples did not understand. The disciples did not see. The disciples did not know who they were and who they were becoming in Christ. For he told them to feed the people themselves. But they wanted to send them away for they were fearful of the needs of the people. But Christ satisfied their needs. Christ fulfilled the needs of the people and showed his disciples what they were to do. Do not send the people away because you do not understand! Feed the people. Christ told his disciples, bring them here to him and he would satisfy their needs. And so he demonstrated to the disciples what they were to do when they are faced with the needs of the people. Bring them here to Christ and he will satisfy their every need.
And they all eat and were satisfied. For Christ blessed the five loaves and the two fishes, broke them and gave them to is disciples to give to the people. And the baskets were passed around to the people. The people took their fill from the baskets and the baskets replenished themselves. The baskets did not empty. The baskets did not overflow. The baskets continued to fill the needs of the people and the miracle took place before their very eyes. And when every one had taken of the baskets and no one was left to take from the baskets, the baskets stopped replenishing itself. And as the people broke the bread and the fish and ate, the bread and fish replenished itself and all were filled.
And when the people stopped breaking the bread and the fishes, the bread and the fish stopped replenishing itself and there were leftovers. And they gathered up what was left over, twelve baskets full of fragments. Now the number of those who had eaten was five thousand men, without counting women and children.
Five thousand men were fed. Many women and children were fed. All were satisfied. All ate till they were filled. And the baskets stopped replenishing and the bread and the fish stopped replenishing when all were filled. And there was no one left to take from the baskets or no one left to break the bread and the fish. But twelve baskets were left from the five loaves and the two fishes. The miracle took place before their eyes and all were amazed that had eaten. For Christ had satisfied their needs and no one was sent away.
Why do we not have miracles today like this one? Why do our disciples of today not feed the people? Why do our disciples of today send the people away? Each Sunday and everyday of the week the people come to places of worship in need. They come seeking faith. They come seeking hope. They come seeking to have their needs met and are sent away with crumbs without being filled. And they return again to receive the crumbs and are sent away without being filled. Christ said bring them to me. And yet the people are not being brought to him. Can we go to Christ and be filled? Can we go to Christ and not thirst again? Can we go to Christ and see the miracle take place before our eyes?
How do we go to Christ? How do our disciples, our pastors, our ministers, lead us to Christ? Do they know how to lead us to him? What is the path to Christ? Have they been lead to Christ themselves? Will we have to come back again and again to only receive crumbs or will we be filled, no longer needing temporary satisfaction? Christ said, bring them to me. He will satisfy their needs. How do we know when we are with Christ? Can we tell when we are with Christ? What sign do we have to know that Christ is with us? How can we know?
Each Sunday we listen to sermons on various subjects from the bible by ministers and preachers. Can they show us how to come to Christ? Have they come to Christ that they can show us the path to have Christ with us? What must we do? What is the way? How do we receive Christ within us that we no longer thirst? For he will satisfy our needs. He will not send us away. He will come and abide with us that we may know. And he will give us a sign that we may know the truth of who we are in him. For through him, and in him, and with him, we become one with the father. Come, ministers and preachers, feed the people. Bring them to Christ! Show them the way that they may be satisfied eternally!
All ate and were satisfied. The people were in need. They needed food. They needed guidance. They needed leadership. They needed hope. All were in need. John the Baptist was their voice in the wilderness. John preached repentance. John showed the people the way to salvation and told them that the Messiah was coming. John gave the people hope. And then John was no more. And chaos came. And doubt came. And fear came and the people did not know what to do. But Christ came and saw their hopelessness. Christ came and saw their needs. Christ came and had compassion and all were satisfied. For he healed the sick, cured the lame, opened the eyes of the blind and fed the multitudes.
The disciples did not understand. The disciples did not see. The disciples did not know who they were and who they were becoming in Christ. For he told them to feed the people themselves. But they wanted to send them away for they were fearful of the needs of the people. But Christ satisfied their needs. Christ fulfilled the needs of the people and showed his disciples what they were to do. Do not send the people away because you do not understand! Feed the people. Christ told his disciples, bring them here to him and he would satisfy their needs. And so he demonstrated to the disciples what they were to do when they are faced with the needs of the people. Bring them here to Christ and he will satisfy their every need.
And they all eat and were satisfied. For Christ blessed the five loaves and the two fishes, broke them and gave them to is disciples to give to the people. And the baskets were passed around to the people. The people took their fill from the baskets and the baskets replenished themselves. The baskets did not empty. The baskets did not overflow. The baskets continued to fill the needs of the people and the miracle took place before their very eyes. And when every one had taken of the baskets and no one was left to take from the baskets, the baskets stopped replenishing itself. And as the people broke the bread and the fish and ate, the bread and fish replenished itself and all were filled.
And when the people stopped breaking the bread and the fishes, the bread and the fish stopped replenishing itself and there were leftovers. And they gathered up what was left over, twelve baskets full of fragments. Now the number of those who had eaten was five thousand men, without counting women and children.
Five thousand men were fed. Many women and children were fed. All were satisfied. All ate till they were filled. And the baskets stopped replenishing and the bread and the fish stopped replenishing when all were filled. And there was no one left to take from the baskets or no one left to break the bread and the fish. But twelve baskets were left from the five loaves and the two fishes. The miracle took place before their eyes and all were amazed that had eaten. For Christ had satisfied their needs and no one was sent away.
Why do we not have miracles today like this one? Why do our disciples of today not feed the people? Why do our disciples of today send the people away? Each Sunday and everyday of the week the people come to places of worship in need. They come seeking faith. They come seeking hope. They come seeking to have their needs met and are sent away with crumbs without being filled. And they return again to receive the crumbs and are sent away without being filled. Christ said bring them to me. And yet the people are not being brought to him. Can we go to Christ and be filled? Can we go to Christ and not thirst again? Can we go to Christ and see the miracle take place before our eyes?
How do we go to Christ? How do our disciples, our pastors, our ministers, lead us to Christ? Do they know how to lead us to him? What is the path to Christ? Have they been lead to Christ themselves? Will we have to come back again and again to only receive crumbs or will we be filled, no longer needing temporary satisfaction? Christ said, bring them to me. He will satisfy their needs. How do we know when we are with Christ? Can we tell when we are with Christ? What sign do we have to know that Christ is with us? How can we know?
Each Sunday we listen to sermons on various subjects from the bible by ministers and preachers. Can they show us how to come to Christ? Have they come to Christ that they can show us the path to have Christ with us? What must we do? What is the way? How do we receive Christ within us that we no longer thirst? For he will satisfy our needs. He will not send us away. He will come and abide with us that we may know. And he will give us a sign that we may know the truth of who we are in him. For through him, and in him, and with him, we become one with the father. Come, ministers and preachers, feed the people. Bring them to Christ! Show them the way that they may be satisfied eternally!
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