Our paragraph topic is: (Jesus feeds five thousand) Part 1.
The people came. They came looking for Christ. They heard the word. They heard that John the Baptist was murdered and they came looking for Christ to satisfy their needs. Christ saw their needs and was moved with compassion. He cured their sick. He preached the good news of the kingdom. He restored hope. He instilled faith. He gave them assurance. For chaos had come. Doubt had come. Fear began to spread throughout, taking away faith, taking away hope. But Christ was there and the people sought him for guidance.
The disciples walked at his side. The disciples saw the miracles first hand. The disciples heard the words of heavenly wisdom from the King of Kings, yet not really knowing him. They watched him cure the sick. They watched him heal the lame and oppressed. They saw the casting out of demons. They knew that he was different. But they did not know. The disciples were filled by his presence. The disciples were at peace in his surroundings because he protected them. The disciples knew hope from the present day worries through him, but they did not know him. Christ filled them. Christ nurtured them. Christ taught them. He gave them his blessings that they may perform miracles. Yet they did not know. They only knew what was before them and not what was in them.
The people came. They came looking for Christ. They heard the word. They heard that John the Baptist was murdered and they came looking for Christ to satisfy their needs. Christ saw their needs and was moved with compassion. He cured their sick. He preached the good news of the kingdom. He restored hope. He instilled faith. He gave them assurance. For chaos had come. Doubt had come. Fear began to spread throughout, taking away faith, taking away hope. But Christ was there and the people sought him for guidance.
The disciples walked at his side. The disciples saw the miracles first hand. The disciples heard the words of heavenly wisdom from the King of Kings, yet not really knowing him. They watched him cure the sick. They watched him heal the lame and oppressed. They saw the casting out of demons. They knew that he was different. But they did not know. The disciples were filled by his presence. The disciples were at peace in his surroundings because he protected them. The disciples knew hope from the present day worries through him, but they did not know him. Christ filled them. Christ nurtured them. Christ taught them. He gave them his blessings that they may perform miracles. Yet they did not know. They only knew what was before them and not what was in them.
The night was drawing near and the crowd was large. There was no food to feed the people and the disciples became worried. They thought about the needs. They thought about the consequences. They thought about the anger and frustration of the people. The people would come upon them with their frustration and they did not know what to do. They did not know what was in them so they feared. The disciples came to Christ and pleaded that he release the people that they may go into the villages and towns and buy food to eat. The disciples wanted Christ to dismiss the people and send them away for they feared of not meeting the needs of the people. But Jesus said to them, " They do not need to go away; you yourselves give them some food."
The disciples did not know what was in them. They did not know the power that Christ had bestowed upon them. They did not see the strength that he had given to them within. They did not understand the glory of his presence that rubbed off on them. But they wanted to send the people away. They did not understand what to do with the people. They did not know that they had the power, through Christ, to feed the people, to satisfy their hunger. They only wanted to send them away, back to the pits, the trials, the temptations, the sin. Christ said to the disciples, you yourself feed them, but they did not understand.
Too often today lost souls come to Christ through the church. Christ said, you yourself feed them but we do not. They hunger for spiritual food and we do not feed them. They are fed scrapes. They are fed crumbs. They are fed pieces of what is to be, only to return hungry for more. Church people are addicted to pieces. They are addicted to scrapes, not knowing that they can be filled and hunger no more. But how can you feed the people if you are hungry yourself? How can you feed the people if you are not filled yourself? How can you feed the people if you do not know what is in you, yourself? You will only give scrapes. You will only give pieces. You will only give crumbs if you are not filled and overflowing yourself. Christ told his disciples to feed the people themselves. They did not know they had the Holy Spirit within them. They did not know the power of the Holy Spirit to satisfy all needs. Do you know the Holy Spirit? Feed the people!
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