Highlighted New Testament Bible

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

St Matthew, Chapter 8, verse: 10, The Centurion's Faith.

Our paragraph topic is: (Christ heals his servant) Part 1.  

We continue our topic about the centurion's faith.  The centurion has professed his faith to Christ through his knowledge of being a man of authority.  The centurion knows about authority and has asked that Christ, a man of spiritual authority, to heal his servant.  He knows that if Christ gives the word that it will be done.  There is no question about whether he believes if it will be done, or if there are delays on it being done, or if the orders have to be approved by someone else.  The centurion has that unwavering faith that lets him know that it will be done.  Christ marvels at this because he has not seen this kind of faith before and especailly in a Gentile.  Christ says:  "Amen I say to you, I have not found such great faith in Israel."   

It is as if Christ is searching for faith.  He is looking all around for those who have some small spark of faith.  He has called the disciples but they are lacking in faith and need to be trained.  So he recognizes the faith in the centurion and announces it to his followers and the public.  What is it that the centurion has that others do not?  What is different in the faith that he has seen so far and what he sees in the centurion?  Why is there such great faith in a Gentile, a Roman, and such little faith in others?  Does it take sickness to bring about faith?  Does it take tragedy for faith to come forth in such abundance to be recognized?  Where does faith reside and how can we find it?

I recently asked the question in a forum, if anyone believed the words that the centurion spoke: Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldst come under my roof; but only say the word, and my servant will be healed.  These are some of the answers that I got in response to my question: 

   Unfortunately no.  But, I have been granted prayers that I didn't think
   would be answered.

   I absolutely believe that if Jesus said the word they would indeed be healed 
   without doubt!  

   Yes no one believes any more and it no longer happens vary often and
   when it happens no one believes, and even though it is real it will always
   be denied by everyone so lets say its a lie.
   Jesus was present on earth at that time, performing miracles so people would
   know that he was the prophesied Messiah.  Miracles aren't performed like
   that now, and we can't just say certain words and get miraculous healing.
   Your question won't be easy to answer briefly.  For one thing, the event
   you're quoting or describing was a miracle, performed by Jesus Himself,
   while He walked this earth before He was crucified and raised from the dead. 
   Besides that, this event was never intended to be a pattern or precedent for
   all such requests.

One can find today, many preachers who teach that we have the power, here on earth, to achieve our dreams.  Through the Blood of Christ we will have no more sickness.  Through the Blood of Christ we will have no maor lack.  Through the Blood of Christ we will suffer no more loss.  It is spoken that this year, 2011, will be the year of abundance.  2011 will be the year of restoration.  2011 will be the year that the body of Christ will have great success.  These are the things that are spoken to us that we should believe.  This is what we hear through the TV broadcasts as we listen to what we are being fed.  There are even witnesses to the principles that are being given to us via a DVD or a CD that we can purchcase and thereby have the life principles that will bring about a change in our lives. 

How is this possible if there is no faith?  We are given, in the Bible, these great examples of the faith of the centurion and the faith of the leper.  Why are they here for us to read?  Why are they an example of the miracles that Christ perfomed?  Was Matthew merely providing us with history?  Is there some purpose that we are not able to comprehend?  Christ is alive today.  He lives in heaven with his father, our God.  We talk to him through our prayers.  The centurion talked to him as he walked the earth.  We talk to him in heaven.  Does the distance between earth and heaven mean that we are not talking to Christ face to face?  Does the distance make a difference as to whether he hears us and will answer our prayers?  Or is the difference the lack of faith that we have in Christ?  No one believes any more.  This does not happen.  This is not a pattern or prescription for having miracles performed.  Where is your faith?  Do we really have faith?

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