We continue our paragraph topic: (Obstacles to virtue) Part 4.
In this verse Christ gives a warning to everyone. He tells us that many will say to him in their defense: 'Lord, Lord. ' But some of those who make this statement will not enter the kingdom of heaven. So this statement is the dividing rule for those who enter the kingdom of heaven and those who do not. It is the key to the test that some must take at judgement. It is an opportunity for us to be prepared now, before that day comes. It is the key to overcoming the obstacles to virtue. For Christ says that: "He who does the will of my Father in heaven shall enter the kingdom of heaven." So we separate into two groups, those who say to Christ, "Lord, Lord" and they do the will of God; and those who say, "Lord, Lord" and they do not do the will of God. What then is the will of God that we must do?
Christ has given us many things in previous sermon that we can do to perform the will of God. He has told us about the Beatitudes, the poor in spirit, the meek, those who suffer persecution for justice sake, the merciful, the clean of heart, the peacemakers, and they who suffer persecution, reproach, and false accusations for his name sake. He has further given us other explanations that help us to understand the type of person that we must become. He has told us about our basic nature which is similar to the salt of the earth. He compared us to the light of a lamp that shines for all. He has told us about the Laws that were handed down to Moses. He has told us about being angry and the importance of resolving disputes. He has told us about lust and how starts in our hearts. He has given us all of these sermons to provide God's will for us and how he wants us to live.
So what is being said, in this particular sermon, is that, if you do the will of God then you will enter the kingdom of heaven without having to plead and demonstrate all the things that you did with your life while on this earth. I ask myself what is God's will for me? What I receive is to love everyone as I love myself. How do I love myself? I want the best for me, and God has shown me what he has for me in heaven. This gift that God has given to me is so great that I think that everyone should have it. It is so wonderful a gift that if anyone knew about it, they would want to have it also. So the will of God for me is to tell anyone and everyone about the gift that God has for them. I cannot instruct them on how they should live their lives. I cannot give them solutions on what the Bible says to handle trials and tribulations that they will face on a daily basis. I am not a counselor to listen to their problems about work, or marriage, or relationships, or children. I am only a compass pointing to true north, a compass that wants to point to God.
Once a person reaches his destination by following the compass, by following the Shepard, by listening to the word, then it is up to God and the Holy Spirit to lead them, to guide them on a daily basis. It is up to Christ to send the Holy Spirit to dwell within them. It is up to the Holy Spirit to teach them daily how to live their lives. It is up to the Holy Spirit to protect them, to guide them, to feed them, to shelter them, to counsel them, to encourage them and to demonstrate God's love for them. This is God's will for me. Lord, Lord, am I doing the will of your Father in heaven? I humbly ask you Father, teach me your will that I may enter the kingdom of heaven!
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