Highlighted New Testament Bible

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Thursday, April 30, 2015

St Matthew, Chapter 20, verse: 7a, No Man to hire.

Our paragraph topic is: (Parable of the laborers in the vineyard) Part 8. 

We continue with the parable of the laborers.  Christ relates this story to his disciples that they may have a better understanding of the kingdom of heaven.  Many times telling directly does not register but relating in a parable or a story goes into memory without having to be understood and later the meaning reveals itself.  This is how Christ taught his disciples and he teaches us today.

We are the sheep and he is the shepherd.  But there is a wolf that wants to scatter.  There is a wolf that wants to separate so that he may devour those that go astray.  Christ is here to protect, to provide, to love that which belongs to him and not to the wolf.  So he tells his disciples this simple story that they may have insight, that they may have understanding, that they may have truth of who they are in him.  In the story the house-holder asked the men in the market place why they stood about idle.  "They said to him, 'Because no man has hired us.' "  

Why do we stand about idle?  Why do we wait on man to give us something to do?  Why do we depend on that which can not as opposed to that which can?  We are independent of man and dependent on God our Father.  He will provide.  He will protect.  He will give all that is needed to survive in this world.  And yet we have not recollection of that fact.  We are not given that understanding.  We are not raised with the knowledge that God will provide.  We are given that we must strive and work and be our best that we may succeed.

And yet all that is needed is already given to us.  All that is required is provided if we only knew.  We go out into the world believing that we can have all that we see and desire.  We see the glitz and glamour of the world and we forget that we are children of God our Father.  He it is that gave us life.  He it is that provides for us.  He it is that loves us so much that he sacrificed his most precious son that we may have life.

We were dead.  We lost our life.  We transgressed and were punished by the judge.  But the judge was lenient.  The judge was merciful.  The judge was loving and he sought to give us another chance to have life again.  We wait idly for the world to provide for us but the world can only provide death.  We wait idly for the world to save us but the world can only condemn us.  We wait idly for the world to protect us but the world will only destroy us.  And we miss the opportunity to receive the grace of God our Father who loves us.  Do not get caught by the thief unaware.  Do not slip away without asking for forgiveness.  Do not let the temptation of man's knowledge block faith and hope from entering. 

We are not physical.  We live in a physical world but we are spiritual beings living in a physical shell.  We are created in the image and likeness of a spiritual God.  We are spirits within.  The light of life is within us if we only seek to know it.  The light of life is within us if we only believe.  The light of life is upon us if we only open ourselves to what has been given us.  Christ came that we would know.  Christ  died that we would have.  Christ  arose and ascended that we would believe in him and in the Father.  Lean not upon man but upon that which is real, that which will provide, that which loves eternally.  Lean upon God and know that he will hire.

Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ. The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you.  Open the door and let him in.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

St Matthew, Chapter 20, verse: 6b, Standing Idle.

Our paragraph topic is: (Parable of the laborers in the vineyard) Part 7.

In the parable that Christ told his disciples, the house-holder has gone out early in the morning, mid morning, and several other times before noon to hire workers for his vineyard.  Five times he went out to the market place and found workers.  He was puzzled as to why they were standing about idle.  He hired all that were present when he went out to the market place only to come back later to find more workers standing about without something to do. 

Christ tells this story to his disciples because he wants them to understand that they are the same as the workers in the market place and the house-holder is the same as God seeking workers to tend his vineyard of souls.  He wanted them to understand that they should not stand about idle waiting for work to come when there is work to be had in the vineyard.  He tells them what the house-holder told the workers:   "And he said to them, 'Why do you stand here all day idle?' " 

This was the message that Christ wanted his disciples to understand.  He wanted them to know that they did not have to be idle.  They did not have to stand about everyday with nothing to do.  There was plenty of work to do for God.  The kingdom of heaven is in need of laborers to bring in the harvest.  The kingdom of heaven has fruit that is in need of harvest.  The kingdom of heaven is open that those who seek it can find it. 

Are you a laborer?  Do you work for the kingdom?  Some would say that this message is a battle cry for those who would carry the message to the ends of the earth and convert all to become Christians.  But this is not the will of the creator.  This is not the demand of our God.  It is not the desire of God our Father and that of Christ our savior that his message is forced upon all.  It is not the desire of God that all are forced to become believers.  Christ's passion is that of love.  Our Father is a God of love and compassion.  His will is not to force but to love.  His will is not to command but to show.  His will is not to demand but to be an example to those who do not know, to those who do not understand, to those in the dark.

Our labor is to live our life, according to the will of the Father, that Christ has given us.  Those who believe and know the truth of who they are in Christ are examples for the world to see.  Those who walk with the spirit have their work assigned to them.  Those who are filled with the light of life are the laborers in the vineyard and know what needs to be done.  They are the ones who have the skills.  They are the ones who have the knowledge.  They are the ones who are filled with the light of life that shines from within.  They are the ones who are not idle workers, standing around waiting for work.  

The house-holder needs laborers.  The vineyards needs workers.  The light of Christ and the love of the Holy Spirit seeks you.  Do not stand idle when there is work to be completed.  Do not wait for the harvest to spoil when it needs to be picked.  Christ calls.  The Holy Spirit seeks.  The love of God our Father fills those who want to know.  Your assignment awaits.  I have mine.  Come!  Receive your work assignment and end your idle stand. 

Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ. The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you.  Open the door and let him in.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

St Matthew, Chapter 20, verse: 6a, Standing Idle.

Our paragraph topic is: (Parable of the laborers in the vineyard) Part 6. 

We were listening to Christ telling his disciples the parable of the laborers in the vineyard.  He had previously told them how riches would hinder one from entering the kingdom.  He is teaching his disciples about a new place.  He wants them to understand that the kingdom is different from anything that they know.  It is not like what they know here on earth.  One cannot think about heaven in the same light as one would think of a place here on earth.  Heaven is a spiritual place.  It is a place of peace.  It is a place of glory, and majesty, and love.  And the human imagination has no reference to compare with.

There are rules to entering.  We entered the earth through our parents.  They brought us into the physical world.  Yet we are given spiritual life through God our Father.  He gave us life for a purpose.  He loved us enough that he wanted to share his love.  And he is merciful enough that he forgave our trespasses.  Christ tells his disciples of this parable of the laborers because he wants us to understand our part.  He wants us to know what we have to do to participate in the kingdom of heaven.  As he told his disciples:  "But about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing about." 

Are we standing about with nothing to do?  Are we idle workers seeking work?  Have we been called to work in the vineyard?  What is your purpose?  What is your job?  What has the spirit given you to do in the vineyard?  Are you collecting the grapes?  Are you picking the grapes?  Are you the one that carries the grapes to the wine press?  Or are you the one that works the press to tamp out the wine?  We all have a purpose.  We all have an assignment.  We all are workers in the vineyard if we are believers.

If you believe in your heart that Christ is the son of God our Father and that he came down from heaven to sacrifice for our sins, then you are a worker.  The question is, are you working or are you idle.  Do you only work on Sundays or are you a 24/7 worker?  Do you feed the hungry when the opportunity arises or do you pass them over?  Do you lend a helping hand or do you turn the other way when a hand is needed?  Do you have the love of Christ within you or is that something that comes out only with church members?  Do you share the love that is within you with those who are down and out without hope? 

Being a worker in the vineyard only means that it is in your heart.  Being a worker in the vineyard means that the love and the spirit of Christ is within you.  Being a worker in the vineyard means that the passion that Christ has for each and every one of us, is seen in the drunk on the street, to the dope addict, to the beggar, to the thief, to the ones who has lost their way, to the prostitute.  We are all children of our Father in heaven.  He gave us life from nothing.  We did not exist.  We had no form or shape or life or purpose until that moment when he commanded that we have life. 

And here we are today, living in this physical form that we may experience the physical realm and choose who we are.  Are we the children of God our Father or are we just the physical embodiment of ourselves?  The spirit lives within.  But the physical is what we experience.  In that spirit lives the life that is given us by our Father.  In that physical body lives the spirit of who we are.  And in that body lives that light of the life that we are, waiting for that time when we transition into the glorious beings that our Father has given life to. 

The work of the spirit is within us.  The acknowledgement of the spirit is upon each of us.  The knowledge of who we are is open to each of us.  And that knowledge will open our eyes to the beings we are, transforming us to workers in the vineyard of Christ.  When the truth of who you are in Christ comes upon you, the light of life shines within you.  And your light glows from the love that comes from God our Father.  For from him, and through him, and with him we are transformed into more than just the physical.  We become the lights of the world that shine for others to see in the darkness.  Open your heart to the truth!  You are the light of the world.  Let your light shine for all to see. 

Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ. The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you.  Open the door and let him in. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

St Matthew, Chapter 20, verse: 5, So they went.

Our paragraph topic is: (Parable of the laborers in the vineyard) Part 5.  

What is just?  What is fair?  What is honest?  What is good?  What is right or wrong?  We see and ask these questions on a daily basis.  Christ told his disciples a parable that raised all of these questions.  Why did he do this?  He wanted them to have an understanding that was not openly available to everyone.  Theirs was the understanding of the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.  Theirs was the knowledge that was not available to wise men.  Theirs was the vision of the Christ in his full glory.  Theirs was the insight given them by God our Father.

They did not yet posses all that was given to them, but the seeds were planted.  They would witness the coming forth of the fruit.  Christ spoke of a house-holder who needed workers in his vineyard.  He spoke to his disciples in plain terms that they could understand.  And yet underlying those plain term was the fruit that would later blossom into the understanding and insight given to them by the grace of God.  So the house-holder hired workers and agreed to pay them what was just.  "So they wentAnd again he went out about the sixth, and about the ninth hour, and did as before."  

The house-holder called his workers, even in the middle of the day.  He saw them standing idle in the market place and he called them to work.  Christ calls his workers.  He calls them at all times of the day.  And he agrees to pay them what is just.  He does this again and again and again.  No matter what the time of day he calls workers to come and work in his vineyard.  Are you a worker?  Are you a weed?  Are you the fruit that needs to be harvested?  How do you fit into the kingdom of heaven?

The door is open to all who want to come.  The requirements are easy.  Anyone can qualify.  The choice is yours to make if you understand the offer.  There is another offer also, the offer of the world.  It is the one we are born into.  It is the one we live with.  It is the one that surrounds us daily.  But one must rise above what is seen.  One must view beyond what is obvious.  One must change the perspective to see what is hidden.  We have a choice.  Some understand that choice early on.  Some find that choice later in life.  And some struggle with that choice only to not understand.  And then there are those who see the choice, know the choice, but cannot make the choice.

Can you make the choice?  Can you choose to be the one?  Can you accept the choice of who you are in Christ?  The world will blind you.  The world will deceive you.  The world will seek to turn you away from your choice.  But the spirit cries out in you.  The spirit burns in you for fulfillment.  The spirit within you knows the truth of who you are.  Can you seek it?  Can you find it?  Can you know the truth of who you are in Christ?  The choice is yours to make.  The thief is out there seeking to steal your choice.  Be careful!  He will not announce himself to you.  He will not knock at your door.  He will come and take you away without your having a choice.  And then you will know.

Christ calls you.  Christ loves you.  Christ gave his life for you that you would have life.  Seek him and know.  Know him and love.  Be with him and be fulfilled.  The spirit cries out for you.  The spirit awaits for you.  The spirit is within you waiting for you to open the door and say: "Come in!"

Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ. The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you.  Open the door and let him in.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

St Matthew, Chapter 20, verse: 4, The Just payment.

Our paragraph topic is:  (Parable of the laborers in the vineyard) Part 4.  

The house-holder has need of workers in his vineyard and he goes to the market place and finds workers standing idle.  He tells them to go to work in his vineyard so that they will have something to do to earn their wages and provide for their families.  He had need of work and they had need of someone to hire them to work.  This is the parable that Christ tells his disciples that relates to the kingdom of heaven.  

The laborers were standing idle without any work to do.  The house-holder was looking for laborers to work.  The kingdom of heaven is seeking workers.  The believers on earth are seeking work to do but are standing idle with no one to hire them.  God is seeking workers so Christ tells his disciples that the house-holder told the workers:  "And he said to them, 'Go you also into the vineyard, and I will give you whatever is just.' "

So the laborers are sent to work in the vineyard with the promise that they will be paid whatever is just.  What is just for a days labor?  What is just for the work that they will do?  What is just for the skill that is required for the work they are required to do?  We live in a world where we are in the same situation of determining what is just for us.  Is it fair and just that we work honestly and fairly and others do not?  Is it fair and honest that we follow the rules and others cut corners and get by?  Is it honest and fair that we are slighted and passed over for promotions and perks and others get the all benefits?

What is just?  What is fair?  What is right?  And what is wrong?  In this day and time it seems that it does not pay to be honest and to be fair.  It seems that it does not pay to be upright and straightforward.  It seems that we are the ones who get the unfair and unjust treatment.  Can we not stand by and accept this?  Can we not allow this to happen to us?  Are we compelled to  change our position and do what is necessary to advance our own cause?  Are we driven to bring about a change for ourselves?  What is just for us?

We compare what is just to what is before us.  We feel what is unjust by what others are doing.  We see the results of what others are doing and how they are rewarded.  We hurt for what is right and what is wrong, what is just and what is unjust, what we want and what we do not have.  These are our passions.  These are our motivations.  These are the things that tempt us to turn from who we are in Christ.  For God is our Father.  He is right and he is just.  He is patient and he is forgiving.  He is the final judge and we must trust in his wisdom and glorify his justice even when it seems that it is unjust.  The just payment is what we should seek.  The just payment is what we should believe.  The just payment is what we should know because God is our Father and he will provide for us.  He will care for us.  And he will be the ultimate judge of what is just.  Seek not the ways of the world but seek the kingdom of heaven and all else will be provided to you. 

Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ. The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you.  Open the door and let him in.