Our paragraph topic is: (The rich young man speaks to Jesus
Part 1.
Our scripture journey skips and takes us to another time and place. We left Christ where he laid hands on the children and prayed over them. He departed from that place and moved on to another. It is in this place where he encounters a young man that has heard of him through the word. The word traveled. The word was with the people. The word was with the rulers, the wealthy, the soldiers, the merchants, the word was with everyone. The people spoke it. They heard it. They marveled at it. And it spread from one mouth to one ear to another mouth and so on.
It was the word that caught this young man. He wanted his questions answered. So he sought Christ to pose the questions that that no one else could answer to his satisfaction. He wanted an answer that would provide meaning to his life. He wanted to know. He wanted to believe. He wanted to do those things that would guarantee him success to the kingdom of heaven. So he sought Christ for the answer to his questions. And behold, a certain man came to him and said, "Good Master, what good work shall I do to have eternal life?"
What good work shall I do to have eternal life? Is this not the question for each and every one of us? Do we not want to have eternal life? Do we not want to enjoy the life that we have forever? Or, is this not a question that we concern ourselves with now. Are we only concerned with the questions of the here and now: Where will I work to make money?, How will I pay bills?, Where will my kids go to school to get the best education?, What can I do tonight to entertain myself?, What girlfriend shall I call tonight?, etc. These and others are worldly questions that are upfront on our conscious mind on a daily basis. They occupy our minds from the time we awake from the time we pass out to sleep.
Do we concern ourselves with what we must do to have eternal life? Will compliance with Sunday worship be enough to secure our future eternal life? Or is there more that we should do to be certain of that future? Our lives are filled with worldly thoughts and demands that prevent us from concerning ourselves with eternity. And it is those thoughts that we are given to have that stop us from being who we are. We are eternal beings created in the image and likeness of our Father. He gave us life and Christ came to renew that life after it was lost by Adam. Yet in the world today we have no awareness of who we are.
We are drowned by the demands of the world. We are blinded by the desires and passions of this world. We are lost and asleep in the world, as if we are the walking dead. For it is death that leads us in this world. It is death that drives us into oblivion. It is death that stimulates our passions and desires. And it is death that will lead us down the wide path of destruction.
Christ came that we would have life. He came that we would know the truth of who we are. He gave us the instructions to discover ourselves. He arose from the grips of death. He left this world that we would know that he is truly the Christ. He sits at the right hand of his father waiting for us to call to him as our savior. The decision is up to us. The path is before each of us to follow. The door is open to those who decide to seek the path that will lead them to the knowledge of eternal life. Know yourself. Be yourself. See yourself as you are seen. For it is through the knowledge of yourself that you open the door to the truth of who you are now and forever. Christ awaits you. God the Father loves you. And the Holy Spirit will lead you in this world and the next. Open the door and ask Him in.
Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ. The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.
Part 1.
Our scripture journey skips and takes us to another time and place. We left Christ where he laid hands on the children and prayed over them. He departed from that place and moved on to another. It is in this place where he encounters a young man that has heard of him through the word. The word traveled. The word was with the people. The word was with the rulers, the wealthy, the soldiers, the merchants, the word was with everyone. The people spoke it. They heard it. They marveled at it. And it spread from one mouth to one ear to another mouth and so on.
It was the word that caught this young man. He wanted his questions answered. So he sought Christ to pose the questions that that no one else could answer to his satisfaction. He wanted an answer that would provide meaning to his life. He wanted to know. He wanted to believe. He wanted to do those things that would guarantee him success to the kingdom of heaven. So he sought Christ for the answer to his questions. And behold, a certain man came to him and said, "Good Master, what good work shall I do to have eternal life?"
What good work shall I do to have eternal life? Is this not the question for each and every one of us? Do we not want to have eternal life? Do we not want to enjoy the life that we have forever? Or, is this not a question that we concern ourselves with now. Are we only concerned with the questions of the here and now: Where will I work to make money?, How will I pay bills?, Where will my kids go to school to get the best education?, What can I do tonight to entertain myself?, What girlfriend shall I call tonight?, etc. These and others are worldly questions that are upfront on our conscious mind on a daily basis. They occupy our minds from the time we awake from the time we pass out to sleep.
Do we concern ourselves with what we must do to have eternal life? Will compliance with Sunday worship be enough to secure our future eternal life? Or is there more that we should do to be certain of that future? Our lives are filled with worldly thoughts and demands that prevent us from concerning ourselves with eternity. And it is those thoughts that we are given to have that stop us from being who we are. We are eternal beings created in the image and likeness of our Father. He gave us life and Christ came to renew that life after it was lost by Adam. Yet in the world today we have no awareness of who we are.
We are drowned by the demands of the world. We are blinded by the desires and passions of this world. We are lost and asleep in the world, as if we are the walking dead. For it is death that leads us in this world. It is death that drives us into oblivion. It is death that stimulates our passions and desires. And it is death that will lead us down the wide path of destruction.
Christ came that we would have life. He came that we would know the truth of who we are. He gave us the instructions to discover ourselves. He arose from the grips of death. He left this world that we would know that he is truly the Christ. He sits at the right hand of his father waiting for us to call to him as our savior. The decision is up to us. The path is before each of us to follow. The door is open to those who decide to seek the path that will lead them to the knowledge of eternal life. Know yourself. Be yourself. See yourself as you are seen. For it is through the knowledge of yourself that you open the door to the truth of who you are now and forever. Christ awaits you. God the Father loves you. And the Holy Spirit will lead you in this world and the next. Open the door and ask Him in.
Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ. The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.