Highlighted New Testament Bible

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

St Matthew, Chapter 19, verse: 12a, Who can accept His teachings?

Our paragraph topic is:  (Continence preferred to marriage) Part 3.

His teachings were given that day that he told his disciples about marriage and adultery.  Through Christ the Father told the world of his plans, his purpose for man and woman.  For they were created with a purpose, a plan.  They were designed physically to bond together.  They were given from birth to cleave to one another and to become one flesh.  For through one flesh they would create.  Through one flesh they would provide the physical beings for the future.  Through one flesh they would open the door to all the others that would come after them.

The disciples did not understand.  They did not see the plan, the purpose.  They were still in the physical and not in the spirit.  They had not yet been reborn in the spirit of Christ and the justice the he would bring to the whole of mankind.  Through temptation man was disobedient.  Through deceit mankind died.  Through death mankind was doomed.  But Christ came and redeemed all.  He came and brought the teachings of his Father that all would know his will.  And he left with us the living words to open our hearts and give life to our souls that we could know the truth of who we are in him.  Who can accept his teachings on bonding and adultery? "For there are eunuchs who were born so from their mother's womb."

There are those who were born eunuchs from their mother's womb.  These are those who can accept his teaching.  They have no issue with bonding.  They have no issue with marriage.  They have no issue with becoming one flesh.  They are without the means to bond.  Yet they were created in the image and likeness of God our Father.  They are physical and spiritual.  They have a purpose.  They belong to the plan.  They are children of the father just as you and I are also.

He created us all.  He gives us life.  He protects and provides.  He guides us if we allow.  For the decision is ours to make.  The path is ours to walk.  The life is ours to lead if we choose.  Be not deceived.  Be not led astray.  Be not an evil doer.  For those are the unknowing.  Those are the ones who are of the flesh and not of the spirit.  Those are the ones that are led by the inclinations of evil.  Where are you?  What do you believe?  What do you know about who you are?  Or do you know who you are?

Many would think that they are physical in the body.  Many would believe that they are flesh and bone and nothing else.  Yet within the flesh is a spirit.  Within the flesh is the life.  Within the flesh is the likeness given us by the Father.  Can you believe?  Can you accept?  Can you truly know the spirit within?  Christ gave us the truth.  He told us who we are.  He spoke on many occasions of the life that is within.  Yet we do not believe.  We do not accept.  We do not know.  The world has not taught us so.  So we walk through life without the knowledge of who we are in Him

Come!  Seek the truth in who you are.  Search and find the knowledge that will awaken the flame of your spirit and you will see.  Do not be afraid.  For the world will tell you not.  The world will whisper to you falsely.  The world would have you ignorant.  Christ came to give life.  He died that we would be awaken.  He arose that there would be witnesses to the truth.  And he sits at the right hand of the Father that we may see his majesty and glory.  His advocate awaits your awakening.  His advocate calls to your heart.  The Holy Spirit sits at your door waiting to be invited in.  Open the door to your heart and you will know the peace and joy that this world cannot offer.  Come!  Know Christ

Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ. The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

St Matthew, Chapter 19, verse: 11, To whom it has been given.

Our paragraph topic is:  (Continence preferred to marriage) Part 2. 

Why should we marry to simply end up in divorce or separation?  Do we believe in bonding?  Do we have faith that it will work?  Or is this just another modern day interpretation that allows us to do what we want with our partners.  Christ gave his disciples the principles upon which the Father created man and woman.  He created them male and female.  He created them so that they would cleave to one another for a purpose, for a cause.  But that cause, that purpose, was changed due to the hardened hearts of men and the influence of evil in the world.

For evil would seek to change what God created.  Evil seeks to turn man around.  Evil seeks to have man worship it and to have man do its will.  So evil influenced man to change the purpose of God, to have them cleave to one another.  Evil seeks to have man and woman cleave to one another simply for the passion, for the pleasure, and not for a cause.  And when the passion and the pleasure is over, evil seeks to tear them apart, to bring about hatred, fear, distrust, doubt, anger, and all manner of discord that turns man against the God  that created him.  Christ told his disciples:  And he said, "Not all can accept this teaching; but those to whom it has been given. 

To those to whom it has been given!  Are you one?  Are you one of the persons to whom this teaching of marriage has been given?  Do you believe in God's purpose?  Do you believe hat he created us male and female that we should cleave to one another for life?  For he has a purpose.  He has a goal.  He has a reason and he who created the universe has a better reason than any other person on earth.  But more than anything else do you and your partner have the faith to know that your example of togetherness will shine before the eyes of God and the world?

For he told us through the teachings of Christ that separation and remarriage for any other reason other than immorality, is adultery.  And marriage to another that has been put away is also adultery.  So who can accept this teaching?  Who is worthy to receive this teaching?  The acceptance is not one sided but requires the knowledge and belief of both parties, male and female.  Are you the one that it has been given?  Are you and your partner the chosen ones?

Will you follow the will of God and keep his purpose, keep his goal?  It is only through the knowledge of who we are in this world, that we can come to accept the will of God our Father.  For he gave us life through Christ Jesus.  He allowed us to be born again.  His mercy and his love for his children is overwhelming.  He forgives us our trespasses.  He protects us from evil.  He gives us our daily bread.  All this, if we let him.  If we open our hearts to his love he will come and demonstrate miracles before our eyes that will amaze us of his power and majesty.  For He is the power and the glory for ever and ever, amen.  Are you the chosen, the one to whom it has been given?

Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ. The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.   

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

St Matthew, Chapter 19, verse: 10, Expediency of Marriage.

Our paragraph topic is:  (Continence preferred to marriage) Part 1.

Christ raised the question of adultery and immorality to his disciples and they were puzzled.  They did not understand this teaching.  According to their backgrounds and their teachings from the community, a man was given to a woman and a woman given to a man.  They were bound together by law.  And the law had allowed for separation, the law had allowed for putting away of a wife or husband.  But Christ told them that this is not the case from the Father.

For the Father created them male and female that they would cleave to one another.  The Father created them that they would leave their fathers and mothers and bind with one another, male and female.  He did not intend that they would separate.  He did not intend that they would divorce.  Christ told his disciples that divorce for any cause and marriage to another is adultery.  He told them that the only way that a divorce could take place is through the
immorality of one of the partners.  And also to marry one who has been put away is committing adultery.  They found this unbelievable.  They questioned that if this is the case then why should one even marry.  His disciples said to him, "If the case of a man with his wife is so, it is not expedient to marry."

They saw this teaching as extreme.  They saw this as harsh.  They did not understand what they were to do if this is the teaching, the commandment, the rule by which they were to live.  Only through immorality is one able to put away his wife or husband.  Otherwise they are bound together as one, not to separate or not to divorce.  One has to ask why then should one marry?  One has to ask why then: "Why then should one fall in love?"  One has to ask why then: "Why should one consider bonding for life, if there is no opening for separation, no relief for mistakes, no escape from the commitment of marriage?"

Why is it that we are compelled to bond, compelled to desire the company of that other person, compelled to want to spend our every waking hour with the person that makes us complete in some way?  We come together with a desire to love.  We are drawn to one another out of a physical and emotional passion.  We have a need to belong, a need to not be alone in the world.  And marriage gives us that bonding opportunity which says that I am committing myself to this one person and no other.  Yet we are different people.  We are different personalities, with different desires, different beliefs, different habits, mannerisms, quirks, patterns, and every sort of unique behavior that distinguishes us from everyone else.   

We have been given that what is unique about ourselves is withheld and not revealed.  For one does not truly know another until one has lived with another.  It is only through the intimate living experience that one comes to know another person.  And it is through that same living experience that the eyes are open to all that is the other person we have chosen to spend our lives with.  So in that transition from the point where we have a complete desire to spend every waking hour with our partners, to that point where we have a complete understanding of our partners, we obtain a conscientious awareness of the truth of our relationship.  And one day we wake up and see the person next to us as they truly are.  It is in that day that we come to understand the true meaning of the commitment we have made.

But is it the commitment we have made to ourselves or the commitment we have made to our Father.  For he made us this way.  He made us to come together.  He made us that we would cleave to one another, becoming one flesh.  And he made us that we would not be the perfect relationship.  Can we find perfection in that imperfect relationship?  Can we find commitment in that imperfect relationship?  Can we find the true meaning of love in that imperfect relationship?  The world does not want us to understand commitment, to understand perfection, to understand love.  The world tells us that all is lost and we should abandon that relationship.  The world tells us that we are hurt and we should strike back.  The world tells us that we cannot stay together, that we should seek another partner, that we should separate.  The world gives us all manner of external relationships that will solve our commitment problems.  And it is the world outside that will tell us what we are on the inside.  It is the world that seeks to define us as physical and not spiritual beings.

If we are committed to the cause, we can succeed.  If we are bound by His love, we can know love.  If we are understanding of His truths, we can know the truth of who we are.  If we seek to know him in His goodness and His mercy then we can come to know true commitment.  If we open our hearts and understand the truth of who we are, both male and female, our commitment can become a blessing and not a burden.  For through Him and with Him and in Him we become one with Him.  And He, who is one with the Father, becomes one with us.  It is through that oneness that we come to know the cause, the purpose and the mission of our physical lives here on earth.  Christ came that we: past, present, and future, would have life.  And it is our cause, in the present, that brings forth the life of the future that is to come.  Let us then, come to know our purpose, our true spiritual passion, and our cause that we may continue to be one with Him who created us. 

Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ. The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.  

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

St Matthew, Chapter 19, verse: 9b, Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Our paragraph topic is:  (The question of divorce) Part 9. 

Christ told his disciples that they should not commit adultery.  He told them that anyone who puts away his wife and marries another commits adultery.  Moses allowed the Jews to give a written notice in order to divorce their wives or husbands.  Accordingly, anyone could give any reason, in written notice, and divorce their spouses.  Anyone could give any excuse to separate from their spouses so that they could marry another. 

Christ told his disciples that this is not the case.  God created them male and female for a purpose.  He created them that they should be together and not to separate.  This how he created them.  And Christ told them that the only reason for separation, the only reason for a divorce is, for immorality.  So if one decides to remarry to one who has been put away by written notice except for immorality, then one commits adultery.  And he told them:  "And he who marries a woman who has been put away commits adultery."

God created them male and female that they would bond together for a purpose.  He created them in his image and likeness.  What is it about this commandment that marks us?  What is it about this rule that prohibits us, that binds us, that creates a boundary that we must not cross and why?  Two people, male and female, come together for a reason, for a purpose, for love, for happiness.  For it is in the moment of commitment that we are most happy to be joined together.  So this commitment to stay together, has meaning, has purpose, has happiness?  Why is it that we find reasons to separate when there was such a cause to come together? 

We live in a society that brings male and female together.  We grow up, become adults, set out into the world to secure a place for ourselves, and then we have strong physical drives to mate, to bond, to become one.  We are driven physically, both male and female.  We are compelled, both male and female.  Our physical makeup, both male and female, drives us to come together.  And it is that internal drive, that physical compulsion, that hides, that overshadows, the spiritual being that we are.  For when we are fully engulfed in the physical, when we are fully experiencing the physical nature of bonding, we are consumed in the physical pleasure of our physical beings, like a drug that takes us to a height of pleasure that we have never known.   And it is that full experience of the physical that compels us to want more physical, to want more pleasure, to want more passion.  And it is that physical passion that turns us away from the spiritual beings that we are.

We are spiritual beings experiencing the physical realm through our physical bodies.  We live in the physical and we die in the physical and transition to the spiritual.  We leave the physical behind and become the spiritual beings that we are, transforming into butterflies from our cocoons.  Yet the physical holds us.  The physical binds us.  The physical wants to keep us, even though we are spiritual.  Thou shalt not commit adultery.  Thou shalt not transgress this rule least you commit to the physical and surrender the spirit.  For through this transgression one becomes engulfed in the physical.  Through this transgression one crosses the line into passion, to live in the physical experience of bonding.  Through this transgression one opens the door to the physical experience of the world and closes the door to the spirit, putting it in the closet away from the truth of the knowledge of who you are. 

We are created in his image and likeness.  But evil wants us to deny our spirit and accept our physical as reality.  We are created by God our Father who wants to love us and protect us.  But evil wants us to deny him.  He is a loving God.  He is a merciful God.  He is a forgiving God and Father.  Our hearts must be open to his love, to his mercy, to his forgiveness.  Come!  Find the truth of who you are in Christ.  He forgives those who have transgressed.  He is merciful to those who seek repentance.  He is loving to those who seek his love.  He is joyous to those who rejoice in his words.  And he is bountiful to those who know him and seek to do his will here on earth.  Seek the truth of who you are and you will know the light of the Holy Spirit that will be your guide.  Open the door to your heart and he will come and reside with you all the days of your life. 

Read the sign of the times! Read the Highlighted New Testament Bible and lift the scales from your eyes that you may see, that you may know, that you may find the truth of who you are in Christ. Read it as though you would read a good book, from cover to cover, and see for yourself. Do not study it in parts reading one passage and then skipping to another, but read it for understanding. Read it for knowledge. Read it for faith. Read it that your eyes may be opened, that your ears may hear, that your heart may be filled with the light of Christ. The Holy Spirit awaits you. Christ seeks to know you. Open the door and let him in.