Highlighted New Testament Bible

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Friday, December 31, 2010

St Matthew, Chapter 7, verses:3 - 5, Sermon on the Mount: Be not a hypocrite, cast out thy own evil and then help others.

Today's paragraph topic is:  (Avoiding judgments) Part 2.

We continue our sermon under the topic of avoiding judgement.  Christ tells us today about being a hypocrite.  He asks us why do we see faults in others and are unable to see our own faults.  He calls our faults a beam as tough he is talking about logs of wood and the faults in others as a speck.  While we have glaring faults, Christ ask us how it is that we tell our brother that we can help him remove his faults when we have large faults ourselves.  This is like the old saying, the pot calling the kettle black, both are black and both have faults.

This can be a touchy subject for Christians, because for those in the church, who are saved,  it is easy to be critical of others.  Christ calls us a hypocrite.  It is said that some of the biggest devils are in church.  That the church has faults is a given, since it is filled with imperfect people seeking to know and imitate ChristHe is telling us here, to think about our own faults first.  He is giving us the opportunity to deal with the faults and failures that we have as individuals.  He is telling us that keeping the focus on ourselves is more important than trying to focus on others and help them with their problems.  

When we join a church we are lost and need direction.  We cling to those who we believe are in the know.  We search for those that are active in the church and follow their example.  Everyone wants to be a deacon.  Everyone wants to be a church mother that is liked and respected by all.  However, people talk, behind their backs, under their breathes, between their teeth, and under their tongues.  People allow themselves to say things that should not be said in the streets.  Gossip in the church is worse than it is in the beauty shop and barber shop.  Who I saw at the bar with whom and who I saw coming out of whose house, is food for choice lips to spread throughout the fellowship.  Who this person thinks they are and what they think they have are conversations  whispered across the pews in church before services begin.  If you want to hear the latest gossip get to church early.  If you want to have something to talk about arrive early so you can get a good seat to see others arriving in the church and what they are wearing today.  This is the nature of the talk that goes on in church today.

This is what we Christians do to fill our time and provide for entertainment in the church.  And the preachers and ministers have a difficult time just doing their jobs without all of the other stuff going on in the church.  Listen to any sermon and the preacher will, without a doubt, give an example of something that he has experienced, without mentioning any names.  And the seats start to burn in the church and the gossip goes around after the sermon.  Yet we are supposed to be loving church going believers.  Christ tells us to remove the beam from our eye first.  Christ tells us to stop gossiping about others first so that we can be an example.  When we do this, when we remove the fault from ourselves then it is possible to show others how they can do the same.

How is this possible?  Acceptance is the key.  Acceptance of the truth that God the father is the final judge of all.  Acceptance of the truth that we have no authority other than that given to us by God.  Acceptance of his will for us.  Acceptance of a simple truth that we are sinners, the lowest of the low, who without the grace of God would not be saved.  We should walk in humility and gratitude that we are even alive.  We should be thankful that God did not allow us to see death before we were saved.  We should be ever mindful that Christ alone was perfect, everyone else cannot compare to him, including ourselves.  We are imperfect beings, subject to make mistakes and to sin.  It is only by God's grace that we are daily, able to fight the battle with sin and Satan.

Let us not become so righteous that we forget the depths from which we were delivered.  Let us not exalt ourselves with such dignity that we forget that the respect we have comes from God and not ourselves.  Let us humble ourselves, not in the eyes of men but before God that he may see in secret our true intentions.  Let us get down on our knees daily and thank him for the peace that he provides from the storms of the world.  Let us take the focus from others and place it upon ourselves so that we may truly know that we are sinners.  Let us seek to know his love for us and his love for our brothers and sisters and to share that love with each other.  Let us forgive freely and lovingly because God has forgiven us our sins.  

As this old year comes to a close and a new one begins, let us resolve to be of one voice and one mind and one heart in Christ.  As Christ is in one in the Father, let us be one in him in peace and love.  

Thursday, December 30, 2010

St Matthew, Chapter 7, verses: 1 - 2, Sermon on the Mount: Do not Judge, that you may not be Judged.

Today's paragraph has three parts:  (Avoiding judgments) Part 1. 

We begin Chapter 7 with Christ telling us about judging.  He says do not judge, in order that you may not be judged.  This is a strange teaching in the society in which we live today.  For we judge.  We judge by the house a person lives in.  We judge by the car a person drives.  We judge by the clothes people wear.  We judge by how people talk.  We judge by how people walk.  We judge by how people look. We judge by who people hang out with.  We judge by what people eat.  We judge by the behavior of people's children.  We judge by everything!!!  This is the society that we live in.  This is the society that we see everyday.  This is the society that we are, in our thoughts, in our actions, and in our beings.  So how is it that we are not to judge?

Judging is a way of life for most people.  To not judge means to change that way of life.  To not judge means that our thought processes must change.  It means that we can not think the same way that we do naturally.  And why is it natural for us to think this way?  We are programmed to think the way that we do because we are raised from childhood in this thought process.  Its like we are raised like fish in a tank, accustomed to breathing the water that surrounds us, never knowing that we can live outside of the tank.  Yet there are fish that breathe on land.

Why do we need to change and not judge?  Why is Christ instructing us to not judge?  What happens when we judge, what is the process?  We form an opinion when we judge.  That opinion is then supported by our environment.  That opinion forms our behavior.  That opinion draws others with the same opinion and their opinions reinforces our opinion.  That opinion then creates a lifestyle for us that completes the bowl of our lives and makes us fish in the tank.  Finally that opinion corrupts our minds and our hearts which does not allow the truth of Christ to come into our lives.  The cycle is now complete and the devil has cut us off from any opportunity that we may have for change.  Only a major catastrophe could bring about an interruption that may cause us to question our thought processes.

Christ tells us not to judge because he says that with what judgement you judge, you shall be judged.  If I judge that I got my position in life through hard work and my education and that everyone else should follow the same path, then I despise others who come by their position another way.  If a person gets promoted above me through, who he or she knows and not, through their qualifications according to the guidelines, then I feel cheated and harbor resentment.  I judge this person as not qualified.  Then, my judgement of that person becomes my judgement.  By opening the door of resentment and anger, I cut off God's judgement of my being qualified for a better position than the one that I thought that I should get.  The position that I wanted was not the position that God had planned for me.  He had something better in mind.  But when I judged another and resented another, my blessing was cut off and I was judged unqualified.  Our own judgements then become our judges.

When we make judgements, they are made because we value something, either good or bad.  We value people with money as being good.  We value people without money as bad.  We value nice clothing as good, and those who have them the same.  If a person has a new car or an expensive car, we value them as good  and those that have junk cars as bad.  So Christ is telling us not to judge and therefore we give up the value of earthly things.  By not judging we accept what is.  By not judging we allow ourselves to see the real that is before us and not the fake.  People are real no matter what type of car they drive, clothes they wear, money they have, how they talk, how they walk, etc.  And as a result of people being real we open ourselves up to the love that comes from God.

God loves each and every one of us as his children.   That same love transforms us into the beings that God wants us to be.  We should love our brothers and sisters and neighbors as we love ourselves.  We should not judge them as being unworthy of our love.  For Christ tells us that what measure we measure it will be measured unto us.  If we measure abundantly then God will provide to us abundantly.  If we measure stingily then God will also measure to us the same.

Do not judge.  Just because you see someone on the side of the road begging for a handout does not mean that they should be look down upon.  They are human just as you are and they have the same spirit of Christ in them the same as you do.  If others judge you, be accepting of their behavior and do not return the favor.  Love them in spite of who they are.  Christ has already told us to love our enemies.  The greatest of men is the least of men in God's eyes, for he is the ultimate and final judge.  He, it is, who judges all.    

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

St Matthew, Chapter 6, verses: 31 - 34, Sermon on the Mount: Seek first the Kingdom of God for your Father knows your needs.

We end chapter 6 with the paragraph topic:  (We must have trust in God). 

Christ started this chapter by telling us that we should be pure in our intentions.  He told us that we should not do our good before men lest we loose our reward in heaven.  He continued by telling us that we should pray in secret so that our heavenly father will see us in secret and reward us because we do not do our good deeds before men but before God.  He taught us how we should give alms.  He told us how to pray and gave us an outline of a prayer.  Then he told us about fasting in secret before our father and not before men.  He gave us examples of things to consider when anxiety comes upon us, the birds of the air and the lilies of the field. 

All of this comes to the closing of this chapter where Christ further concludes that we should not be anxious about anything because our heavenly father already knows what we need.  So, why should we worry him and create stressful situations for ourselves, if he already knows what we need.  Our anxiety will not cause one hair on our heads to grow.  Our worrying will not cause us to gain one cubits in stature.  Our stress will not change one thing in our lives.  Our fear will cause us to get sick, it will put our bodies in a physical condition conducive to risk that could lead to the breakdown of normal functions and lead to corruption of our health.  Our stress may lead to heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, overeating, loss of energy, lack of proper sleep, and overall poor health.  Yet we continue to follow the road of the world and allow all of these conditions to affect us when all we have to do is trust in God

This may be easy to say but here it is in black and white, given to us some 2000 years ago by the spokesperson of God himself, Christ.  He tells us,  "Seek first the kingdom of God and his justice, and all these things shall be given you besides."   God loves us.  He is our father and he wants the best for us.  But we must first seek what is of the spiritual realm and that of the physical realm will be provided to us.  For that of the spiritual realm is of greater value and of eternal life than that of the physical realm which is of lesser value and of death.  Therefore, seek first the kingdom of God and his justice.  And when you find the kingdom you will know that the physical realm is of no value.  You will see that your joy and your peace comes from God and the things that you desire today you will no longer need.  The gadgets and shinny baubles that gave you passion today will only be dirt compared to the everlasting knowledge in Christ Jesus.

The knowledge of Christ sustains us.  The knowledge of Christ feeds us.  he knowledge of Christ clothes us.  The knowledge of Christ puts a roof over our heads and protects us.  The knowledge of Christ provides for us and gives us the resources we need to do his will.  For the knowledge of Christ is God.  It is God's will that we do and not ours when we have his knowledge.  Nothing else matters.  Christ then becomes our employer.  Christ then gives us a paycheck.  Christ then opens doors to opportunities.  Christ then promotes us to positions where we shine our lights that bring others out of the darkness and into the light.  For they see us and the works that we do to the glory of God

Be not anxious.  For tomorrow has anxieties of its own.  Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.  For if we are anxious about the needs of tomorrow, what will happen when we are sufficient for today.  What will we become when our food is provided for today.  What will we think about when all of our bills are paid up for today.  What will we do to supply our minds when we do not worry about providing for ourselves for tomorrow.  We become complacent.  We seek pleasure.  We seek lust.  We seek fun and challenge.  We seek thrills.  We then open ourselves to all of the inclinations of the mind that give way to the carnal suggestions from our passions and those that come from the devil. 

Be prepared.  Seek the kingdom of God first and all these other things will be given to you.    

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

St Matthew, Chapter 6, verses: 28 - 30, The Sermon on the Mount: Have faith for God clothes the lillies of the field in great splendor.

Our paragraph topic for today is:  (God clothes the lilies). 

Christ continues to talk about how God feeds us.  Today he tells us that we should not be anxious  for our clothing.  He gives us an example to ponder by telling us to consider the lilies of the field.  He says that the lilies do not toil or spin but in their glory they have more splendor than King Solomon in all of his kingly splendor and glory.  So, if God will take care of the lilies of the field and the grass, how much more will he take care of us.

In today's time it is not God whom we believe that will provide for us.  We believe that it is not our heaven Father that will give us our daily bread.  We believe that it is the government.  We believe that it is the local supermarket.  We believe that it is the gas station, the laundry mat, the airlines, the trucking company, the manufacturer, the car dealership, the restaurants, the convention center, etc., that will provide us with a job and give us a weekly or monthly paycheck to pay our bills.  We depend on these entities to provide for us.  We believe that God does not employ, at least not in these hard times.  Those who wish to become priests and ministers and deacons may be provided for by their parishioners, but the rest of us depend on a job to sustain us and provide for our well being and not God

We place our faith on being able to get a 9 to 5 that pays a descent wage that will allow us to survive.  We do not put that faith in God.  We place our faith in the world, that it will be stable enough to maintain our economy so that we can live in peace and harmony.  We believe in the system, and not in God.  Yet God gave us the system.  God maintains the system.  God allows for the system to exist so that it will provide for us. 

God created the heavens, the stars, and moon, and the sun.  He is the reason that the sun holds its orbit and does not pull the earth into it.  He provides for the rain that waters the earth and the rain gives us water to drink.  He is the reason that the earth grows food.  He is the reason that we have fish in the sea and the reason that life regenerates itself through the animals that we rely upon for our food.  He causes the wind to blow.  He makes the sun to shine.  He has provided the earth with all kinds of minerals and elements that we use to make the products that assist us with our daily life.  God created the beauty that surrounds us in the trees and the flowers, and the birds, and the plants, and all life.  He created the stars and the galaxies that we see in awe and wonder.  Yet within our minds we do not accept the evidence that is before us.

We accept football games.  We accept parties.  We accept cars, and clothes, and money, and sex and lust, and beer and wine, and alcohol, and wealth, and music and TV, and all manner of earthly things.  It is not his glory that we accept but the glory of men that we worship.  For man has done great wonders on this earth.  He has created great inventions that give us the pleasures of life.  He has created great buildings and great machines, and great marvels that give us the life we live.  All of these things keep us focused on man and yet even man himself is the glory of God

But even the creation of man is being refuted by our great minds, making us believe that we are creations of chance.  We are products of evolution that has created all life on this planet.  Therefore, we are not alone in this universe.  As a result of evolution, our great minds would have us believe that somewhere out there in the universe there are other beings great and small.  And with that mindset we have the TV and movie, scientific fantasies of today.  We now believe that we will live into the twenty fifth century.  We will travel the galaxies.  We will encounter other life forms.  We will survive all manner of dangers and battles.  This is our future.  This our mindset without God as our focus.

We have taken away the central belief in our God.  We have abandoned our faith in our creator and substituted it for smoke, created by man and supplanted by the devil.  Christ, in this sermon, admonishes us as being of little faith.  He has given us proof of the existence of our heavenly father and how he provides for us, yet we do not believe.  We have no faith in our God.  And when trouble comes, do we turn to him?  When hard times come do we believe that God will provide?  When good times come do we acknowledge God and give him the glory?  We can see the beauty in the flowers, the birds, the trees, and even in each other.  Can we give glory to God for the wonders that he has put before?  With this evidence, can we have just a little faith that we will survive and God will take care of us? 

It is amazing the structure and sequence of these sermons that Christ has given us.  He tells us of true riches.  Then he tells us that God feeds the birds of the field and in this sermon he tells us of the lilies of the field.  All three sermons point to our faith in our heavenly father.  We spin and toil over such little things and miss the one thing that is of most importance, God our father.  Believe that he is alive.  Believe that he will provide.  Believe that you are more than just flesh and blood.  Believe that you are a spirit being created in the image and likeness of God.  Seek the evidence of your existence for Christ has told us that the eye is the lamp of the body and if the eye is sound we are full of light.  Let your light shine within and know that you are a child of God.  Let your faith know that you believe.

Monday, December 27, 2010

St Matthew, Chapter 6, verses: 25 - 27, The Sermon on the Mount: Do not be anxious for your life, or for food, or for clothing.

Today's paragraph topic is:  (God feeds the birds). 

Christ takes a turn in his sermon by telling us about the birds that God takes care of and feeds.  He tells us directly:   "Do not be anxious for your life, what you shall eat; nor yet for your body, what you shall put on."  This is a direct statement to those who heard him long ago and to us who read the Bible, today.  Yet how is it possible to not be anxious?  How is it possible in this world that we live in today to not be concerned or to not worry about what we shall eat or what we shall drink, or what we shall put on, or how our bills will be paid, or how or mortgages will be made, or how the car note will get paid, or any of the concerns that we have in these hard economic times.

Being able to find a job to pay our bills is a number one priority with many of those who are unemployed today.  The economy has sank to a low that has not been seen since the great depression.  Thousands of people do not have jobs or income to support themselves.  People are cutting back to the bare essentials to meet the basic needs of life.  Amongst all of this turmoil and chaos comes Christ's words telling us to not be anxious.  How can we not be anxious?

Christ tells us to look at the birds of the air.  They neither work, or have jobs.  They do not have money in bank accounts or savings accounts, or investments.  Yet our heavenly Father feeds them.  What will he do with us?  Will he let us starve?  Will he allow us to live without shelter?   Will he allow us to be without clothes to keep us warm?  Or do we believe that he has anything to do with it?  Is it not up to us to provide for ourselves?  Are we not the ones who must work to provide for ourselves and our families, to keep a roof over our heads, to keep the bills paid, to keep the lights, water, gas, and electricity on?  Or is this God's responsibility?  We did not have anything to do with the economy failing.  We go to work and do the things that we have done for years, being average people and this happens.  Our means of support fails and the job that we worked in 10, 15, 20 years is now no longer there to support us and our families.  It's like a storm came along and wiped out all that we had to live on and now we have nothing.

What shall we do?  How shall we survive?  Worry and anxiety are a daily part of my thinking because I am faced with all of these problems with no solutions.  I worry.  And I worry and I continue to worry.  Worrying makes me sick and gives me headaches.  It drains me of all my energy.  It takes the life out of me.  And Christ asks, which of us by being anxious can make any of this change?  Which of us by being anxious about it, can add to his stature one inch??

It is an easy thing to say, trust in God.  It is a cliche saying that God will provide.  How will he provide?  How will he take care?  Will he pay my house note?  Will he put food on my table?  Will he make a miracle happen and help me win the lottery?  How do I trust?  How do I believe?  How do I have faith?? 

These are the questions that our minds may question as we think about what this sermon tells us to do.  If we have no foundation in faith then it is not something that is easy to do.  If we have some belief in God and Christ and know that their words are truth, then it becomes a battle in our minds.  It becomes a battle to keep the thoughts from coming that would have us be anxious about our life.  It becomes a battle of belief. 

Satan would have us believe that we are on our own and that God will not provide for us.  He would have us to take control and attempt to fix the problem ourselves.  He would have us to try and find solutions on our own.  And many will take up the gun and the knife to commit sins by robbery and stealing and all manner of other illegal activity. 

God, through Christ, tells us to not allow anxiety to take control of us.  He tells us to know that we are valuable in his eyes and that he will provide for us.  He will not allow us to fail.  He will not allow us to be without food and shelter and clothing to keep us warm, if we believe in him.  His words are truth.  His words do not lie.  His words will fight the battle in our minds that would have us believe that their is no God who will provide for us.  It is up to us to put those words in our minds.  It is up to us to keep those words before us when the other thoughts come.  It is up to us to believe within our hearts that we are children of our heavenly Father and he will not fail us.  We must pray on this.  We must meditate on his words.  We must keep them in our hearts and minds, daily, weekly, and even minute by minute.  For he will take care of us if we believe in him.

For those who do not have a foundation, then it is time to build a foundation.  It is time to try something that you have not tried before.  It is time to try God.  Give him the opportunity to come into your life.  Give him the chance to provide for you.  Give him the time to show you that he is real and alive and the Lord of the heaven and earth. 

Read his words.  Keep them near to you.  Take them with you wherever you go.  Write them out on paper and memorize them.  Believe in them and surround yourself with others who also believe in them.  These actions will change your life.  He will give you signs of his work.  He will show you that he loves you.  He will be close to you in your every need, if you do not allow anxiety to come in.  If you keep the door closed to those negative thoughts that would have you believe that God will not provide, you give yourself the opportunity to see how good God is.  Open your eyes.  Open your mind.  Open your heart.  Let God come into your life and keep him there as you build a foundation for a life that is not of this world.    

Sunday, December 26, 2010

St Matthew, Chapter 6, verses: 22 - 24, The Sermon on the Mount: The Lamp of the Body and the fullness of its light.


Today's paragraph is split to cover two parts.  The topic is:  (True riches) Part 2. 

We continue or discussion with the second part of this paragraph topic.  Christ is still talking to us about true riches.  He tells us, "The lamp of the body is the eye."  Taking his words at face value and as truth, the eye gives light to the body since that is the purpose of a lamp, to give light.  He then goes on further to tell us the two kinds of light that will be present in the body.  He says that if the eye is sound then the whole body will be full of light, but if the eye is evil then the whole body will be full of darkness.  How can the body be full of light?  How can we see the light that is in our body?  Christ tells us that if we have a sound eye then we will have light in our body.  If the eye be evil then we will have darkness in our bodies. 

When I close my eyes, I see darkness, and not light.  Does this mean that I am full of darkness and my eye is evil?  How can I find the light that is in me, if I believe that I have a sound eye?  What must I do?  Christ has given us the key to having light in our bodies and not darkness.  Can I find this light?  Is it available to me?  I do not want to be full of darkness.  What must I do to have light within me?

I must search for the light that is within me.  I must look day and night until I find it.  I must desire with all my heart to see the true light that is within me.  I will meditate upon what is within me that I may find the light.  I will close my eyes and see the light for I know that I have a sound eye that is not evil. 

Christ has given us this revelation under the topic of true riches.  He is telling us that true riches lies within us.  True riches lies within the light that we can see.  Looking for it through our sound eyes will allow us to know for certain that it is there.  Searching for it and praying that we find it will lead us to the source.  It will open our eyes so that we may see. 

Christ tells us that our whole body will be full of light.  He lets us know with all certainty that we have light within us.  We just have to open our eyes and see it.  We have to be aware that it is there.  We have to look beyond the darkness and see the light.  We have to pull back the curtain,  push out the darkness, expect to see the light and rejoice at the sight of what we have within ourselves.  Unless we have evil eyes, the light is present for us to see.  At first a small flash.  Then and awareness of the source.  Later the ever present light is there.  And finally it lives within us.

Christ concludes by saying that if the light within us is darkness, then how great is the darkness itself.  Seek not the darkness.  Find the light.  Search for it.  Seek it out.  Know that it is within you.  Feel the need to see the light for without it we have nothing but darkness.  

Christ concludes this paragraph also by telling us that we cannot serve two masters.  We will love the one, money, and hate the other, God, or we will stand by the one, God, and despise the other, the devil.  Love God.  Seek him out.  Know within yourself that he is seeking you.  Let not the devil trick you.  Know that he also is seeking you.  He wants to deprive you of the treasures that await you in heaven.  He wants to separate you from your heavenly Father.  The devil wants to cast you into the dungeons of hell and prevent you from finding the light that is within you.  Go to the light.  Seek it out.  Find it and you will have the knowledge that God is within you and that God loves you.   

Saturday, December 25, 2010

St Matthew, Chapter 6, verses: 19 - 21, The Sermon on the Mount: Store your Treasure in heaven and not on earth.


Today's paragraph is split to cover two parts.  The topic is:  (True riches) Part 1. 

This an interesting topic to talk about because it has so much wealth.  Christ tells us in this sermon to not lay up for ourselves  treasures on earth.  He says that rust and moths will consume them our treasure or thieves will break in to steal it.  He tells us instead, to lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven where this does not happen.  Thieves cannot break into heaven to steal our treasures nor will rust consume our wealth or moths eat away at our precious garments.  What is our response to this declaration?  Our response is contrary to this preaching. 

We believe that we have to have wealth stored up for our retirement years.  We believe that if we plan right we will have the resources that we need to live a wonderful and luxurious retirement life.  We believe that it is necessary to store up our wealth and treasures on earth to survive.  For we work all of our lives to retire.  We labor so that we can have a life without labor.  We look forward to the years when we can get up everyday and do what we want instead of having to punch the time clock. 

We believe that if we plan right and get the right insurance that our treasures will be protected and cannot be taken by thieves and robbers.  Isn't that what insurance is for??  If our bank gets robbed the government insures our funds up to $250,000 now.  If our house gets robbed or burned dolwn we have insurance to replace what was stolen.  If our retirement accounts fail, well that is another story, considering the state of the economy today. 

But for those who planned well and followed the thrifty road, they invested in government securities and therefore had security.  For the average person seeking to follow the norm, we invest our time , energy, and efforts to follow the instructions that are given to us by the best in the field of saving for retirement.  We read the best magazines on saving, we follow the investment strategies by the top gurus on where to place our money, and we consult with the best financial analysts who chart green paths for us to follow that guarantees our success for later years.  Those who are less fortunate who do not have the opportunity to follow these strategies, but if by some stoke of magic or luck they came into a sum of money, they would follow the same

So the mindset of mankind is set by those who would know better than ourselves.  Our beliefs are set by those who would guide us in the direction of financial security.  Our hearts therefore are set on the path of obtaining wealth here on earth and not on obtaining wealth and treasure in heaven. 

Christ, the greatest financial analyst and the greatest investment guru that ever lived, would have us do the opposite.  He tells us not to be consumed with hoarding wealth and treasures on the earth.  He tells us that we should be concerned with building up our treasures in heaven instead of on earth.  The reasoning for this??  It is simply this, where our treasure is, there also will our hearts be.

This is a simple yet profound statement, because those who have wealth, those who have investments, would curse you if you told them that they were investing in the wrong things.  After all their investments and strategies are producing income.  That fact is evidence enough that their mindset is correct.  But the God of the universe tells us to invest in heaven, to build up our treasures in heaven rather than on earth.  How can we do this??  How can we invest in heaven??  How do we build up treasure in heaven??  Can we put our money in some form of vehicle where we can see the returns that it will bring to us??  Can we know that our strategies are working to guarantee a positive return?  Will we have dollars, or gold, or silver in heaven??  Because of the unknowns to these questions and the uncertainty of the life hereafter, we defer to what we can see and what we can feel and what we can touch.  We put off our heavenly investments until we find ourselves facing death wondering what to do. 

Christ tells us that by investing in heaven, our hearts will be in heaven and not in the earth.  For this is the most important concept in investing.  If we invest in the earth our hearts will be centered on greed.  If we invest in the earth our hearts will be full of self.  If we build up treasures on the earth we will be consumed with the things of the earth.  If however, we invest in heaven, we will be concerned with the things of heaven.  If we build up treasure in heaven, we will not worry about anyone stealing what we have or taking our treasure from us.  If we invest in heaven we will not be concerned about the things on the earth because our treasure is not in the earth.  If we invest in heaven, we will know for certain what we have waiting for us in heaven and there will be no doubt when facing death.  Our concern at death, whether expected or unexpected, will be great joy and happiness because we followed the right investment strategy.

Friday, December 24, 2010

St Matthew, Chapter 6, verses: 16 - 18, The Sermon on the Mount: Fast in secret and not before men.


We continue or paragraph discussion with today's topic: (Fasting). 

This topic, fasting, comes at a time when most people are making preparation for family gatherings, good food, gift openings, and fun.  People are feasting during the Christmas Holidays and not fasting.  Christ, in this sermon, tells us what we should do when we fast.  He begins by saying:  "And when you fast,".   The statement assumes that we will fast.  It tells us that Christ knows that we will fast and that we should follow these instructions when we do. 

Do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, he tells us.  Do not disfigure our face as the hypocrites do.  Instead, wash the face and anoint the head with oils to show that you are alive and upbeat.  Show to the public that you are living as normal and keep the spiritual practices that you do in secret to yourself .  It is not for the public that you fast.  It is not for the public that  you seek to gain recognition.  It is for your Father in heaven that you secretly fast, who's recognition you seek.  He will know your secret.  He will know the truth in your heart and the joy with which you fast because it is his secret and yours.  It is your secret that you seek to come closer to him in what you do.  It is your secret that you would sacrifice the things of this world to do the things for him.  It is your secret that through the fast, you find joy and happiness, and peace.  It is your secret that you bring your physical body under control and deny it the daily pleasure that it wants.  It is your secret that you allow yourself to suffer the pains of withdrawal from the foods that you eat.

It is God's secret that he sets aside gifts for you in heaven.  It is God's secret that he rejoices in your love for him.  It is God's secret that he finds your actions pleasing to him.  It is God's secret that through your actions he knows your love for him.  For Christ tells us, in this sermon, that our Father in heaven will see what we do in secret and will reward us.

Let us take a moment in this time of joyous celebration to remember those less fortunate than ourselves, those that are suffering through this holiday season.  Let us give thanks to the Lord our God for all of the blessings that he has given us.  Christ came to live among us to teach us how to live according to God's principles.  Give a gift to those who do not have.  Give a donation to the needy.  Give a helping hand to those who ask in this time of giving.  Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and help the suffering.  This is the season of giving.  Let our giving extend to all in this joyous season.     

Thursday, December 23, 2010

St Matthew, Chapter 6, verses: 7 - 15, The Sermon on the Mount: The Lord's Prayer.

Today's paragraph topic is:  (The Lord's Prayer). 

Certain topics in the scriptures are so popular that they do not need explanation.  Today's topic is one.  We learn it from infancy.  We repeat it throughout our lives.  We know it without thinking about the words.  It is a part of our culture.  It was once in our schools.  It is repeated at public events and is accepted as part of the American tradition, almost.  Today, we find that the American way allows for other religious beliefs and therefore prevents this prayer from being expressed as freely today.

Christ tells us in this sermon, to not multiply words as the gentiles do.  It is not necessary to be wordy to get God's attention, therefore we should only speak what is in our hearts.  He tells us that God already knows what we need.  This may not be what we want, but he already knows what we need.  We may be selfish in our wants and differ from what God wants to give us.  We may seek other thing that may not be good for us but they provide satisfy our passions and supply our desires.  We may think that it is important to say a great deal, in many words, that God will provide for us the things that we want, but God knows already what we need. 

Christ gives us exact instructions on how to pray.  He says, when you pray, pray thus:  Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread12 And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors.  13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.   These are the instructions that Christ gives to us as to how we should pray.  We should first acknowledge that God is our father and that there is a place called heaven where God dwells. We should acknowledge that his name is sacred and honored, hallowed be thy name. We should next recognize that God has a kingdom and ask that it will manifest itself on earth. With the coming of the kingdom, we should also pray that his will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. Man has free will to do as he pleases. But we exercise that freedom, as Christians, by espousing that God's will be done on earth. We pray that we do his will and that others do the same also. 

We then ask for our sustenance, our bread, to provide for our bodies, and we ask daily for this provision.  We plead with God to forgive us our debts.  We ask that he not hold our debts against us.  We in turn pledge to forgive others their debts as they have transgressed against us.  We ask God to deliver us from the evil of this world and to assure us that we are not led into any temptation that would separate us from his love.   These are the instructions that Christ gives to us as to how we should pray to our heavenly Father.  Christ further stipulates the importance of forgiveness.  For if we forgive others their offenses then we express our sameness with God, acknowledging that we are his children and we have the capacity for mercy and forgiveness the same as he does.  We are not prideful children.  We are not vengeful children.  We are humble sons and daughters of God, and this is our reason for prayer.  Thank you father for teaching us how to pray.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

St Matthew, Chapter 6, verses: 5 - 6, The Sermon on the Mount: Pray to thy Father in Secret.

Today;s paragraph heading is:  (Prayer). 

Christ continues to give us examples of things that we should not do that will cause us to loose our reward with God.  We started this chapter with Christ telling us that our intentions should be pure.  Just as in the previous paragraph he told us to do our good in secret, he tells us in this paragraph to pray in secret also.  He tells us to not be like hypocrites, where we pray standing in the synagogue and on street corners to be seen by men.  Why do we need the approval and acceptance of men to pray?  Why is it necessary to be recognized by others that we do good?  Is it because the truth of our beliefs is not real?  Is it because we need the support of others to believe in ourselves? 

Faith requires that we believe in something that is not evident.  It requires that we know and are able to act upon what we say that we believe.  Trust is faith in action, and the strength of our actions demonstrates the strength of our trust and the depth of our faith.  If our faith is week then our actions will be shallow.  If our trust is unfounded then our actions will be narrow and limited and will require support from others.  Insane people talk to themselves, see things that others do not see, and believe things that are not real.  Faith is part insanity because it requires us to believe something that has very little support.  Yet God is real.  God does provide.  And God reveals himself to those who seek him.  So if we seek the knowledge of God earnestly, he will daily give us the truth that we need to know him and the support that we need to believe in him.  Then our beliefs will be true and our actions will be real. 

So we pray in our hearts because we know that God is real.  We pray in private because we know that our prayers will be answered and that God hears us.  We pray because we give thanks to God daily, sometimes hourly, for the things that he does for us, for the love that he shows us.  We sing in private because we are filled with the love of his presence within us, and around us, and upon us.  This is the God that Christ wants us to know when he instructs us to do things in secret.  He knows that our God listens to each one of us.  Christ knows that his Father will reward us because his love is within us and because his love does not need the support of others to confirm our actions and our beliefs. 

Holy Father, God in heaven, grant us thy will, that we may be better persons in your sight.  Grant us your knowledge that we may know your perfect will for us.  Help us to see your love in ourselves and that same love within our brothers and sisters, whether they are saved or lost.  For it is you who created the heavens and the earth, the stars and the moon, and the universe.  It is you who sends the rains that give life to the earth.  It is you who makes the sun shine on the good and the bad.  It is you who causes the wind to blow in the summer and the winter.  And Father, it is you who will judge the earth at the end of time.  Help us to be watchful daily that we may be prepared when you call us home, that we may rejoice being with you in heaven.  We give you all the praise and the glory, in Jesus Christ's name.   Amen.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

St Matthew, Chapter 6, verses: 2 - 4, The Sermon on the Mount: Give thy Alms and Gifts in Secret.

Today's paragraph topic is:  (Almsgiving). 

Today Christ continues, with his sermon from yesterday, by telling us to give in secret, without the fan fair.  He tells us, today, what the people did in his time when they gave alms.  They had trumpeters sound the horns to announce that they were giving to the poor.  By doing so they brought attention to themselves and praise that inflated their egos and pride. 

Christ, through this example given to us over 2000 years ago, talks to us today about how we should give alms to the poor.  He tells to not let our left hand know what our right hand is doing.  What does this mean?  One could think of the old adage that the devil sits on our left side and the angel sits on our right side.  So, if we let the devil know that we are giving alms, he would more than likely give us reasons to not give.  He would tell us that we do not have enough means to give to others.  He would question as to why should we give to others if we do not have enough.  He would  scorn us into thinking that we were fools in believing that we must give to the poor instead of taking care of ourselves first. 

An the angel on the right would do just the opposite.  He would remind us that God has provided for us so that we can share with our fellow man.  He would tell us that it is right to give alms.  He would say to us that we will be blessed when we share what we have.  He would show us the love that is in our hearts when we are able to help others, and that love comes from God.  The angel would help us to understand that selfishness is not from our God.  He would help us to know that our God is a just God, who makes his sun to rise on the good and the evil, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. 

Just as Christ has given us reasons, in the previous sermons, to love our enemies, to turn the other cheek,  to be reconciled to our brothers, to not open the door to anger, to close the door to lust, he tells us here to do good in secret, within our hearts, not for personal gain or personal pride, or vanity.  Give anonymously, love honestly from the heart, have compassion deeply for others that are less fortunately, and give with sincerity.  For it is God who sees what we do in secret, in our hearts, and he will reward us.  

Monday, December 20, 2010

St Matthew, Chapter 6, verse: 1, Sermon on the Mount: Do no good deed before men in order to be seen.

We start a new chapter today and the paragraph topic is:  (Purity of intention). 

Today's topic  simple and straight forward.  Christ tells us to not put on a show before man.  He gives us clear warning by telling us to take heed.  He clearly states that we should not do our good deeds before men in order to be seen by them.  Do not go to church on Sunday so that your neighbors can see that you are a religious person.  Do not give to the poor when you are with your friends so that they may see how big of a man you are.  Do not prey perfusely so that other church members can see that you are a pious man.  Do not volunteer for church service so that you can be a member of the crowd.  Do not sing in the choir if you do not sing at home.  Do not be one way in the public and another way in private for you will loose your reward in heaven.

Christ warns us to seek to be pure in our intentions.  Open our hearts to what we do and commit our hearts to our actions.  If you love God and love your fellow man then you will give to the poor at all times and at any opportunity.  If you love your fellow man then you will look forward to getting together with him in the church gathering on Sunday and on other days whether your neighbors approve or not.  You will love to hear the word despite your missing the football game on Sunday. 

If you know in your heart that God listens to your prayers then you will love to pray in the church, at home, in the office, in the park, wherever you are, giving glory to God your creator.  If you love to give praise you will love singing those songs that bring joy to your heart, at home, in the office, in the shower, when you awake in the morning, at all times because love is in your heart.  Your heart belongs to God and you can celebrate that joy at all times, for he is the father of all joy and happiness.  He is the giver of all good gifts.  He is the source of all love.  He is the creator and there is none before him.

Take heed who your heart belongs to or you will loose your reward.  And your reward is great in heaven.     

Sunday, December 19, 2010

St Matthew, Chapter 5, verses: 43 - 48, Sermon on the Mount: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, pray for those who persecute and calumniate you.

Today our paragraph topic is:  (The love of enemies). 

We bring chapter 5 to a close with this final instruction that relates to our enemies.  In the previous lesson we talked about the law of retaliation.  In this sermon Christ gives us instructions on how we are to deal with our enemies.  He begins by referring to what has been taught in the past.  He tells us that we have heard of the saying that we should love our neighbors and hate our enemies.   He then gives us the additional instruction saying:  "I say to you, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who persecute and calumniate you."   He tells us by doing these things we will be children of God our father in heaven.  Just as he told us in the Beatitudes that blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God, he is telling us here that we will be children of God when we perform these acts.  

What does this mean??  Well, we start by loving our enemies, those who would do us harm.  How do we do this??  Our normal reaction to our enemies is to hate them.  Our normal feelings is to want to destroy our enemies because they want to destroy us.  So our hearts are filled with feelings of hatred and fear and doubt and anger and destruction.  This is not what God wants in our hearts.  He wants us to have love and peace and power in our hearts.  He wants us to not be afraid, to not fear, to not be angry, to not be in doubt, to not hate.  We are all made in his image and likeness, so even our enemies still have that which was given by God within them.  Even our enemies have the capacity to become the true being that God has designed us to become. 

When we were on the other side, not born of the spirit and living in the world, we had the same spirit of hatred, the same spirit of fear, the same spirit of anger, the same spirit of destruction.  We wanted to kill others, and harm others, and hated others because of the harm that they had done to us.  Yet God continued to love us, despite of where we were.  And he continued to give us the opportunity to change before the final judgement comes, so that we have the opportunity to know him.  If God has done this for us, why then should we not do this for our brothers and our sisters, and our enemies, and for those we hate, and for those who persecute us, and for those who say false things against us?  Why then should we not offer the hand of love to those who would do us harm and by doing so allow our hearts to be open to who we truly are?  

The recognition of our true self comes through the love of others.  For God is love.  He loves each one of us individually and he loves all of us totally.  He created us in his image and his likeness so we are his children.  There are about 6 to 7 billion people on this planet today.  Throughout all of history, since the beginning of time, there may have been twice this number that lived before us.  If we try to wrap our minds around God's immeasurable love that loves all mankind, those living today and those that have lived before us, we may begin to try to understand the immense love of God

Sometimes I think about the millions of billions of stars and galaxies that are in the heavens.  I compare the stars and galaxies to the billions of people on this planet, and mankind is but a small grain of sand compared to the sand beaches on this planet, and yet God's love is large enough and immense enough, and strong enough, and immeasurable enough to love all of mankind and all of the stars and galaxies that he created.  How great is his love??

There is no fear in God.  There is no hatred in God.  There is no doubt in GodGod is only love. And if we can transcend ourselves to get a glimpse of that love, we will truly understand our destiny and who we are.  As Christ said in this sermon:  "You therefore are to be perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect."